
View synonyms for annoy


[ uh-noi ]

verb (used with object)

  1. to disturb or bother (a person) in a way that displeases, troubles, or slightly irritates.

    Synonyms: pester, harass

    Antonyms: soothe, calm, comfort

  2. to molest; harm.

verb (used without object)

  1. to be bothersome or troublesome.


  1. Archaic. an annoyance.


/ əˈnɔɪ /


  1. to irritate or displease
  2. to harass with repeated attacks
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • anˈnoyer, noun
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Other Words From

  • an·noyer noun
  • half-an·noyed adjective
  • unan·noyed adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of annoy1

First recorded in 1250–1300; (for the verb) Middle English an(n)oien, enoien, from Anglo-French, Old French anoier, anuier “to molest, harm, tire,” from Late Latin inodiāre “to cause aversion,” from Latin phrase (mihi) in odiō (est) “I dislike,” literally, “(it is) in hate (to me)”; in- 2, odium; (for the noun) Middle English a(n)noi, ennoi, from Anglo-French, Old French a(n)nui, enui, derivative of the verb ( ennui ( def ) )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of annoy1

C13: from Old French anoier, from Late Latin inodiāre to make hateful, from Latin in odiō ( esse ) (to be) hated, from odium hatred
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Synonym Study

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Example Sentences

For months now, it's been baffling how Trump, whose narcissism is boundless, has allowed himself to become a supplicant to Musk, instead of getting annoyed and competitive with the billionaire meglomaniac.

From Salon

Rob Key says he gets annoyed by the perception of Brendon McCullum's England teams as being carefree, but admits it is "our own fault".

From BBC

“What annoyed her is he never expressed gratitude or appreciation,” Ferguson testified.

Two rucks later he is in trying to jackal for the ball as a full-back because he is annoyed he hasn't caught that kick.

From BBC

"I actually think it must be annoying how confident I am at the moment," Jess laughs.

From BBC


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More About Annoy

What does annoy mean?

Annoy means to bother or irritate.

The word implies that the resulting irritation does not rise to the level of serious harm or a major problem—even if someone or something annoys you very much.

People usually annoy through some kind of irritating and unwanted behavior (especially when it’s repeated), such as chewing too loudly or asking you the same question over and over again. Things that annoy are often those that distract, interrupt, or intrude on what you’re trying to do, like a noise that keeps waking you up when you’re trying to fall asleep or a pop-up ad.

Someone who is bothered in this way can be described as annoyed. Someone or something that annoys you can be described as annoying. Someone or something that annoys you can be called an annoyance.

Less commonly, annoy means to harass. In this case, the results are more serious than the more common meaning of annoy.

Example: Mom, Jeff is trying to annoy me again! He keeps humming!

Where does annoy come from?

The first records of the word annoy come from the 1200s. It comes from the Old French anoier, meaning “to tire” or “to harm.” This term derived from the Late Latin verb inodiāre, which means “to cause aversion” and itself comes from the Latin phrase mihi in odiō est, meaning “I dislike.”

People and things that annoy are doing something that you dislike—something that bothers you. Still, it’s usually something minor and not truly harmful. Annoy has a lot of synonyms that can be used in all kinds of annoying situations, including bother, aggravate, pester, vex, irritate, irk, exasperate, and perturb.

Did you know ... ?

What are some other forms related to annoy?

  • annoyed (past tense verb, adjective)
  • annoying (continuous tense verb, adjective)
  • annoyance (noun)
  • annoyer (noun)
  • half-annoyed (adjective)
  • unannoyed (adjective)

What are some synonyms for annoy?

What are some words that share a root or word element with annoy


What are some words that often get used in discussing annoy?


How is annoy used in real life?

Annoy is a very common word that can be used in all kinds of contexts. It’s always used negatively.




Try using annoy!

Which of the following words is a synonym of annoy?

A. vex
B. irk
C. pester
D. all of the above




anno urbis conditaeannoyance