

View synonyms for breath


[ breth ]


  1. the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration.
  2. respiration, especially as necessary to life.
  3. life; vitality.

    Synonyms: force, vigor, animation, spirit

  4. the ability to breathe easily and normally:

    She stopped to regain her breath.

  5. time to breathe; pause or respite:

    Give him a little breath.

  6. a single inhalation or respiration:

    He took a deep breath.

  7. the brief time required for a single respiration; a moment or instant:

    They gave it to her and took it away all in a breath.

  8. a slight suggestion, hint, or whisper:

    The breath of slander never touched her.

  9. a light current of air.
  10. Phonetics.
    1. the air drawn into or expelled from the lungs to provide the generative source for most speech sounds.
    2. the audible expiration generating voiceless speech sounds, as ( p ), ( k ), ( sh ), etc.
  11. moisture emitted in respiration, especially when condensed and visible.
  12. a trivial circumstance; trifle.
  13. an odorous exhalation, or the air impregnated by it.
  14. Obsolete. exhalation or vapor.


/ brɛθ /


  1. the intake and expulsion of air during respiration
  2. the air inhaled or exhaled during respiration
  3. a single respiration or inhalation of air, etc
  4. the vapour, heat, or odour of exhaled air

    his breath on the window melted the frost

  5. a slight gust of air
  6. a short pause or rest

    take a breath for five minutes

  7. a brief time

    it was done in a breath

  8. a suggestion or slight evidence; suspicion

    a breath of scandal

  9. a whisper or soft sound
  10. life, energy, or vitality

    the breath of new industry

  11. phonetics the passage of air through the completely open glottis without vibration of the vocal cords, as in exhaling or pronouncing fricatives such as (f) or (h) or stops such as (p) or (k) Compare voice
  12. a breath of fresh air
    a refreshing change from what one is used to
  13. catch one's breath
    to rest until breathing is normal, esp after exertion
  14. hold one's breath
    to wait expectantly or anxiously
  15. in the same breath
    done or said at the same time
  16. out of breath
    gasping for air after exertion
  17. save one's breath
    to refrain from useless talk
  18. take one's breath away
    to overwhelm with surprise, etc
  19. under one's breath or below one's breath
    in a quiet voice or whisper
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Other Words From

  • inter·breath adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of breath1

First recorded before 900; Middle English breeth, breth, Old English brǣth “smell, exhalation”; akin to German Brodem “vapor, steam”
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Word History and Origins

Origin of breath1

Old English brǣth ; related to brǣdan to burn, Old High German brādam heat, breath
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Idioms and Phrases

  1. below / under one's breath, in a low voice or whisper; sotto voce:

    He protested under his breath because he was afraid to speak up.

  2. catch one's breath, to pause or rest before continuing an activity or beginning a new one; resume regular breathing:

    Let me catch my breath before I begin anything new.

  3. in the same breath, at virtually the same time; almost simultaneously:

    She lost her temper and apologized in the same breath.

  4. out of breath, exhausted or gasping for breath, in consequence of an effort; breathless:

    After climbing to the top of the tower, we were so out of breath that we had to sit down.

  5. save one's breath, to avoid futile talk or discussion:

    We were told to save our breath because the matter had already been decided.

  6. take away one's breath, to make one as if breathless with astonishment; surprise; stun: Also take one's breath away.

    The sheer beauty of the sea took away my breath.

More idioms and phrases containing breath

In addition to the idiom beginning with breath , also see catch one's breath ; hold one's breath ; in the same breath ; out of breath ; save one's breath ; take one's breath away ; under one's breath ; waste one's breath ; with bated breath .
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Example Sentences

Eyewitnesses described the "doomsday scenes" on board the train as the attack unfolded, with passenger Ishaq Noor telling the BBC: "We held our breath throughout the firing, not knowing what would happen next."

From BBC

“I know that I will mourn Jax until my last dying breath.”

"I went home and sat in the bath and I cried. I could taste the man's breath for about a week afterwards," she says.

From BBC

Dubois is a "breath of fresh air", according to Rankin, and the 25-year-old appears to understand the importance of putting on a show - even if it might be to her detriment.

From BBC

Rescuers said it appeared to take its last breath moments after being disentangled.

From BBC


Related Words

Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.



