[ vois ]
- the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc.
- the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech:
to lose one's voice.
- a range of such sounds distinctive to one person, or to a type of person or animal:
Her voice is commanding.
- the condition or effectiveness of the voice for speaking or singing:
to be in poor voice.
- a sound likened to or resembling vocal utterance:
the voice of the wind.
- something likened to speech as conveying impressions to the mind:
the voice of nature.
- expression in spoken or written words, or by other means:
to give voice to one's disapproval by a letter.
- the right to present and receive consideration of one's desires or opinions:
We were given no voice in the election.
- an expressed opinion or choice:
a voice for compromise.
- an expressed will or desire:
the voice of the people.
- expressed wish or injunction:
obedient to the voice of God.
- the person or other agency through which something is expressed or revealed:
a warning that proved to be the voice of prophecy.
Synonyms: vocalist, organ, mouthpiece
- a singer:
one of our best voices.
- a voice part:
a score for piano and voice.
- Phonetics. the audible result of phonation and resonance.
- Grammar.
- a set of categories for which the verb is inflected in some languages, as Latin, and which is typically used to indicate the relation of the verbal action to the subject as performer, undergoer, or beneficiary of its action.
- a set of syntactic devices in some languages, as English, that is similar to this set in function.
- any of the categories of these sets:
the English passive voice; the Greek middle voice.
- the finer regulation, as of intensity and color, in tuning, especially of a piano or organ.
verb (used with object)
- Computers. of or relating to the use of human or synthesized speech:
voice-data entry; voice output.
- Telecommunications. of or relating to the transmission of speech or data over media designed for the transmission of speech:
voice-grade channel;
voice-data network.
/ vɔɪs /
- the sound made by the vibration of the vocal cords, esp when modified by the resonant effect of the tongue and mouth See also speech vocal
- the natural and distinctive tone of the speech sounds characteristic of a particular person
nobody could mistake his voice
- the condition, quality, effectiveness, or tone of such sounds
a hysterical voice
- the musical sound of a singing voice, with respect to its quality or tone
she has a lovely voice
- the ability to speak, sing, etc
he has lost his voice
- a sound resembling or suggestive of vocal utterance
the voice of the sea
the voice of hard experience
- written or spoken expression, as of feeling, opinion, etc (esp in the phrase give voice to )
- a stated choice, wish, or opinion or the power or right to have an opinion heard and considered
to give someone a voice in a decision
- an agency through which is communicated another's purpose, policy, etc
such groups are the voice of our enemies
- music
- musical notes produced by vibrations of the vocal cords at various frequencies and in certain registers
a tenor voice
- (in harmony) an independent melodic line or part
a fugue in five voices
- phonetics the sound characterizing the articulation of several speech sounds, including all vowels or sonants, that is produced when the vocal cords make loose contact with each other and are set in vibration by the breath as it forces its way through the glottis
- obsolete.rumour
- obsolete.foll by of fame; renown
- in voicein a condition to sing or speak well
- out of voicewith the voice temporarily in a poor condition, esp for singing
- with one voiceunanimously
- to utter in words; give expression to
to voice a complaint
- to articulate (a speech sound) with voice
- music to adjust (a wind instrument or organ pipe) so that it conforms to the correct standards of tone colour, pitch, etc
- to provide the voice for (a puppet or cartoon character) in an animated film
Derived Forms
- ˈvoicer, noun
Other Words From
- voicer noun
- outvoice verb (used with object) outvoiced outvoicing
- under·voice noun
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of voice1
Idioms and Phrases
- the still, small voice, the conscience:
He was only occasionally troubled by the still, small voice.
- with one voice, in accord; unanimously:
They arose and with one voice acclaimed the new president.
More idioms and phrases containing voice
see at the top of one's lungs (voice) ; give voice to ; have a say (voice) in ; raise one's voice ; still small voice ; with one voice .Example Sentences
But the only voice he seems to care about his own.
A complaint reviewed by The Times accuses officers of voicing open discrimination against potential recruits and colleagues based on race, sex and sexual orientation.
Customers' voice recordings are converted into encrypted biometric data, then used to clear security checks.
In the middle of the night, someone began banging on the door — “Paz, open the door,” a man’s voice demanded.
“Germany was good to me, but here, the sun, the air — it’s just different. The kids were so excited to move back,” he said, his voice wistful.
More About Voice
What is a basic definition of voice?
Voice is the sounds, especially speech, that a living thing makes using their mouth or the ability to use vocal chords and air to make sounds. Voice is also an expressed desire. Voice means to express something. In grammar, voice refers to how a verb is used in a sentence to express if the subject of the sentence is receiving or performing an action. Voice has many other senses as a noun, verb, and adjective.
A person’s voice is all of those sounds you hear that you recognize as words or emotional noises, such as shouts or screams. While animals, such as monkeys and cats, also make noises using their mouths, voice is nearly always used to refer to the speech of humans. When a person says they heard a voice, they usually mean a noise that sounded like a person talking.
Real-life examples: You can probably recognize people you know by only hearing their voice. When you talk on the phone, you are listening to someone’s voice.
Used in a sentence: We heard loud voices coming from down the hallway.
The word voice also refers to the ability to use air to make audible sounds. This sense is often used when a person loses their ability to speak, such as due to illness.
Used in a sentence: The flu caused Jessica to lose her voice for a few days.
Voice is also used to mean a stated desire or will. This sense is especially common when discussing politics, activism, protesting, or similar activities.
Real-life examples: In the United States, citizens often express their voice by voting or sending messages to politicians. Politicians and other leaders are often expected to listen to the voice of the people rather than do whatever they want.
Used in a sentence: The company listened to the voice of the customers and made changes to their new toy line.
As a verb, voice means to utter or declare something.
Real-life examples: People often voice their opinions on the Internet using social media. Employees sometimes voice concerns to their bosses during staff meetings.
Used in a sentence: The animal rights group voiced their outrage at the city council meeting.
The word voice is used in English grammar to refer to the two main ways we express “who is doing what to whom” in a sentence. English has two verb voices. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb, as in Jim walks. In passive voice, the subject receives the action of the verb, as in The test was taken by the students.
Active voice used in a sentence: Dennis baked a cake.
Passive voice used in a sentence: A cake was baked by Dennis.
Where does voice come from?
The first records of the term voice come from around 1250. It ultimately comes from the Latin vōx.
Did you know ... ?
What are some other forms related to voice?
- voicer (noun)
- outvoice (verb)
- undervoice (noun)
What are some synonyms for voice?
What are some words that share a root or word element with voice?
What are some words that often get used in discussing voice?
How is voice used in real life?
Voice is a common word that most often refers to the speaking sounds that a person makes.
Pet Peeve: loud voices and noises at early hours in the morning.
— Trevor Evans (@trevor_5k) November 24, 2020
Sofia whimpered in pain weakly. The pain was almost enough to pull her to consciousness. She could here River but her voice came and went in waves. Sofia felt herself drift away again.
— Mafia Princess (@gxthams_Falcone) December 22, 2020
It has been revealed to me that I am sometimes given to the passive voice in things written by me.
— Matt Ferris (@ferrismattic) November 24, 2020
Try using voice!
Is voice used correctly in the following sentence?
The police heard a mysterious voice in the wall, which turned out to be a burglar making a phone call.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.