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[ suh-ree-bruhm, ser-uh- ]


Anatomy, Zoology.
plural cerebrums, cerebra
  1. the anterior and largest part of the brain, consisting of two halves or hemispheres and serving to control voluntary movements and coordinate mental actions.
  2. the forebrain and the midbrain.


/ ˈsɛrɪbrəm; ˈsɛrɪbrɪk /


  1. the anterior portion of the brain of vertebrates, consisting of two lateral hemispheres joined by a thick band of fibres: the dominant part of the brain in man, associated with intellectual function, emotion, and personality See telencephalon
  2. the brain considered as a whole
  3. the main neural bundle or ganglion of certain invertebrates
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ sĕrə-brəm,sə-rēbrəm /

, Plural cerebrums

  1. The largest part of the vertebrate brain, filling most of the skull and consisting of two cerebral hemispheres divided by a deep groove and joined by the corpus callosum, a transverse band of nerve fibers. The cerebrum processes complex sensory information and controls voluntary muscle activity. In humans it is the center of thought, learning, memory, language, and emotion.


  1. The largest part of the brain , consisting of two lobes, the right and left cerebral hemispheres. The cerebrum controls thought and voluntary movement. ( See cerebral cortex , left brain , and right brain .)
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Derived Forms

  • cerebric, adjective
  • ˈcereˌbroid, adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cerebrum1

1605–15; < Latin: brain; akin to cranium, horn
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Word History and Origins

Origin of cerebrum1

C17: from Latin: the brain
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Example Sentences

They found that the fish, Danionella cerebrum, drums out a powerful rhythm on an organ called a swim bladder.

From BBC

Lemon's -ism appears have taproots into the frontal cortex of his cerebrum, entangled in a way that may be impossible for any amount of "formal training" to overcome.

From Salon

A study published Thursday in the Journal of Comparative Neurology suggests the dinosaur’s cerebrum contained enough neurons to solve problems and even form cultures.

Much of the growth was in the neocortex, a sublime region of the cerebrum involved in higher cognition and sensory integration.

One of the most surprising discoveries noted in the report was Danionella cerebrum, found in southern Myanmar.


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