1[ goh ]
verb (used without object)
- to move or proceed, especially to or from something:
They're going by bus.
Synonyms: advance, travel, run, walk
Antonyms: stay
- to leave a place; depart:
People were coming and going all the time.
- to keep or be in motion; function or perform as required:
Can't you go any faster in your work?
- to become as specified:
to go crazy.
- to continue in a certain state or condition; be habitually:
to go barefoot.
- to act as specified:
Go warily if he wants to discuss terms.
- to act so as to come into a certain state or condition:
to go into debt; to go to sleep.
- to be known:
to go by a false name.
- to reach, extend, or give access to:
Where does this door go?
- to pass or elapse:
The time went fast.
- to be applied, allotted, awarded, transferred, etc., to a particular recipient or purpose:
My money goes for food and rent.
- to be sold: I have a bid of two hundred dollars. Going! Going! Gone!
The house went for very little.
I have a bid of two hundred dollars. Going! Going! Gone!
- to be considered generally or usually:
He's short, as basketball players go.
- to serve as a means:
This only goes to prove the point.
- to result or end; turn out:
How did the game go?
- to belong; have a place:
This book goes on the top shelf.
- (of colors, styles, etc.) to harmonize; be compatible; be suited:
Your tweed jacket would go better with these pants.
- to fit around or into; be able to be extended, contained, inserted, etc.:
This belt won't go around my waist.
- to be or become consumed, spent, finished, etc.:
The cake went fast.
- to be or become discarded, dismissed, put aside, forgotten, etc.:
Those practical jokes of yours have got to go!
- to develop, progress, or proceed, especially with reference to success or satisfaction:
How is your new job going?
- to move or proceed with remarkable speed or energy:
Look at that airplane go!
- to make a certain sound:
The gun goes bang.
- to be phrased, written, or composed:
How does that song go?
- to seek or have recourse for a decision, verdict, corroboration, defense, etc.; resort:
to go to court.
- to become worn-out, weakened, ineffective, etc.:
His eyesight is beginning to go.
- to die:
The old man went peacefully at 3 a.m.
- to fail, break, or give way:
The dike might go any minute.
- to come into action; begin:
Go when you hear the bell.
- to make up a quantity or content; be requisite:
Sixteen ounces go to the pound.
- to be able to be divided; be contained as a mathematical element:
Three goes into fifteen five times.
- to contribute to an end result:
the items that go to make up the total.
- to have as one's goal; intend (usually used in the present tense, followed by an infinitive):
Their daughter is going to be a doctor.
- to be permitted, approved, or the like:
Around here, anything goes.
- to be authoritative; be the final word:
This is my house, and what I say goes!
- to subject oneself:
Don't go to any trouble.
- (used in the infinitive as an intensifier to indicate the idea of proceeding, especially with the expectation of serious consequences):
He finally had to go ask for a loan.
- Informal. to urinate or defecate.
verb (used with object)
- Informal. to risk, pay, afford, bet, or bid:
I'll go fifty dollars for a ticket, but no more.
- to move or proceed with or according to:
Going my way?
- to share or participate in to the extent of (often followed by a complementary substantive):
to go halves.
- to yield, produce, weigh as a usable amount, or grow to:
This field will go two bales of cotton.
- to assume the obligation, responsibility, or function of:
His father went bail for him.
- Informal. to enjoy, appreciate, desire, or want:
I could go a big steak dinner right now.
- Informal. to say, declare, think, or feel (usually used to introduce reported speech or thought):
I asked the clerk for my receipt, and he goes, “You don't need it.”
- Informal. to endure or tolerate:
I can't go his preaching.
- the act of going:
the come and go of the seasons.
- energy, spirit, or animation:
a man with a lot of go.
- a try at something; attempt:
to have a go at winning the prize.
- a successful accomplishment; success:
to make a go of a new business.
- Informal. approval or permission, as to undertake or begin something:
The boss gave us the go on the new project.
Thirty dollars? It's a go.
- Boxing. a bout:
the main go.
- (in calling the start of a race) start the race; leave the starting line:
On your mark! Get set! Go!
- functioning properly and ready:
two minutes before the satellite is to be launched and all systems are go.
verb phrase
- to discuss or investigate:
Let's not go into the question of whose fault it was.
- to undertake as one's study or work:
to go into medicine.
- to repeat; review.
- to be effective or successful:
The proposal went over very well with the trustees.
- to examine:
The mechanic went over the car but found nothing wrong.
- to read; scan.
- to attempt to obtain; strive for:
You'll never get what you want if you don't go after it energetically.
- to bear; experience.
- to examine or search carefully:
He went through all of his things but couldn't find the letter.
- to be successful; be accepted or approved:
The proposed appropriation will never go through.
- to use up; spend completely:
He went through his allowance in one day.
- to proceed without hesitation or delay:
If you want to use my car, go ahead.
- to make an attempt at; try for:
He is going for the championship.
- to assault.
- to favor; like:
It simply isn't the kind of life you would go for.
- to be used for the purpose of or be a substitute for:
material that goes for silk.
- to assault; attack:
He’s lucky I went at him with just my fists when I could have gone at him with a weapon.
- to begin or proceed vigorously:
to go at one's work with a will.
- to persevere with to the end; bring to completion:
It was perhaps the biggest challenge of her life, and she resolved to go through with it.
- to be in the process of construction, as a building.
- to increase in cost, value, etc.
- to forget one's lines during a theatrical performance.
- British. to go to a university at the beginning of a term.
- to decrease or subside, as in amount or size:
Prices went down. The swelling is going down.
- to descend or sink:
When does the sun go down?
- to suffer defeat:
to go down fighting.
- to be accepted or believed:
This nonsense goes down as truth with many persons.
- to admit of being consumed:
This food goes down easily.
- to be remembered in history or by posterity.
- Slang. to happen; occur:
What's been going down since I've been away?
- British. to leave a university, permanently or at the end of a term.
- Bridge. to fall short of making one's contract.
- Slang: Vulgar. to perform fellatio or cunnilingus.
- to be overwhelmed or ruined; fail.
- (of a ship) to founder.
- to join in a partnership or union; combine with:
He asked me to go in with him on the purchase of a boat.
- to be disregarded or not taken advantage of:
Don't let this chance go by.
- to be guided by or to rely upon:
Don't go by what she says.
- to come to an end, especially to fade in popularity:
Silent movies went out as soon as the talkies were perfected.
- to cease or fail to function:
The lights went out.
- to participate in a social activity:
We usually go out drinking on Friday nights.
- Informal. to have a continuing romantic relationship:
They went out for about a year before getting married.
- to take part in a strike:
The printers went out yesterday in a contract dispute.
- Rummy. to dispose of the last card in one's hand by melding it on the table.
- Cards. to achieve a point score equal to or above the score necessary to win the game.
- to explode, fire, or perform or begin to function abruptly:
A gun went off in the distance.
- (of what has been expected or planned) to happen:
The interview went off very badly.
- to leave, especially suddenly:
She went off without saying goodbye.
- to die.
- to deteriorate.
- Slang. to experience orgasm.
- to happen or take place:
What's going on here?
- to continue:
Go on working.
- to behave; act:
Don't go on like that!
- to talk effusively; chatter.
- (used to express disbelief ):
Go on, you're kidding me.
- to appear onstage in a theatrical performance:
I go on in the middle of the second act.
- to adopt as one's particular interest; approve of; like.
- to occupy oneself with; engage in:
Europeans in increasing numbers are going in for camping.
- to be often in company (often followed by with ):
to go around with a bad crowd.
- to be sufficient for all:
Is there enough food to go around?
- to pass or circulate, as in transmission or communication:
The rumor is going around that he was forced to resign.
- to occupy oneself with; perform:
The shoemaker goes about his work with a smile.
- Nautical. to change course by tacking or wearing.
- to move or proceed.
- to accompany in travel.
- to agree; concur:
I can't go along with you on that idea.
- Informal. to have a continuing romantic relationship with; date:
He went with her for two years.
- to be in conflict with or opposed to:
It goes against the company's policy.
2[ goh ]
- a Japanese game for two persons, played on a board having 361 intersections on which black and white stones or counters are alternately placed, the object being to block off and capture the opponent's stones and control the larger part of the board.
3abbreviation for
- general office.
- general order.
1abbreviation for
- general order
2/ ɡəʊ /
- to move or proceed, esp to or from a point or in a certain direction
to go to London
to go home
- tr; takes an infinitive, often with to omitted or replaced by and to proceed towards a particular person or place with some specified intention or purpose
I must go and get that book
- to depart
we'll have to go at eleven
- to start, as in a race: often used in commands
- to make regular journeys
this train service goes to the east coast
- to operate or function effectively
the radio won't go
- copula to become
his face went red with embarrassment
- to make a noise as specified
the gun went bang
- to enter into a specified state or condition
to go into hysterics
to go into action
- to be or continue to be in a specified state or condition
to go in rags
to go in poverty
- to lead, extend, or afford access
this route goes to the north
- to proceed towards an activity
to go to sleep
to go to supper
- tr; takes an infinitive to serve or contribute
this letter goes to prove my point
- to follow a course as specified; fare
the lecture went badly
- to be applied or allotted to a particular purpose or recipient
her wealth went to her son
his money went on drink
- to be sold or otherwise transferred to a recipient
the necklace went for three thousand pounds
- to be ranked; compare
this meal is good as my meals go
- to blend or harmonize
these chairs won't go with the rest of your furniture
- foll byby or under to be known (by a name or disguise)
- to fit or extend
that skirt won't go round your waist
- to have a usual or proper place
those books go on this shelf
- (of music, poetry, etc) to be sounded; expressed, etc
how does that song go?
- to fail or give way
my eyesight is going
- to break down or collapse abruptly
the ladder went at the critical moment
- to die
the old man went at 2 am
- often foll by by
- (of time) to elapse
the hours go by so slowly at the office
- to travel past
the train goes by her house at four
- to be guided (by)
- to occur
happiness does not always go with riches
- to be eliminated, abolished, or given up
this entry must go to save space
- to be spent or finished
all his money has gone
- to circulate or be transmitted
the infection went around the whole community
- to attend
go to school
go to church
- to join a stated profession
go to the bar
go on the stage
- foll by to to have recourse (to); turn
to go to arbitration
- foll by to to subject or put oneself (to)
she goes to great pains to please him
- to proceed, esp up to or beyond certain limits
you will go too far one day and then you will be punished
- to be acceptable or tolerated
anything goes in this place
- to carry the weight of final authority
what the boss says goes
- foll by into to be contained in
four goes into twelve three times
- often foll by for to endure or last out
we can't go for much longer without water in this heat
- tr cards to bet or bid
I go two hearts
- to have as one's weight
I went 112 pounds a year ago
- usually used in commandstakes an infinitive withoutto
- to start to act so as to
go shut the door
- to leave so as to
go blow your brains out
- perform well; be successful
that group can really go
- to say: widely used, esp in the historic present, in reporting dialogue
Then she goes, ``Give it to me!'' and she just snatched it
- go and be so foolish or unlucky as to
then she had to go and lose her hat
- be goingto intend or be about to start (to do or be doing something): often used as an alternative future construction
what's going to happen to us?
- go ape become crazy, enraged, or out of control
- go ape over become crazy or extremely enthusiastic about
- go astrayto be mislaid; go missing
- go bailto act as surety
- go bushSee bush 1
- go halvesSee half
- go hardoften foll by with to cause trouble or unhappiness (to)
- go it do something or move energetically
- go it alone act or proceed without allies or help
- go much on approve of or be in agreement with (something): usually used in the negative
I don't go much on the idea
- go one better surpass or outdo (someone)
- go the whole hog informal.See hog
- let go
- to relax one's hold (on); release
- to dismiss (from employment)
- to discuss or consider no further
- let oneself go
- to act in an uninhibited manner
- to lose interest in one's appearance, manners, etc
- to go
- remaining
- (of food served by a restaurant) for taking away
- the act of going
- informal.
- an attempt or try
he had a go at the stamp business
- an attempt at stopping a person suspected of a crime
the police are not always in favour of the public having a go
- an attack, esp verbal
she had a real go at them
- a turn
it's my go next
- informal.the quality of being active and energetic
she has much more go than I
- informal.hard or energetic work
it's all go
- informal.a successful venture or achievement
he made a go of it
- informal.a bout or attack (of an illness)
he had a bad go of flu last winter
- unforeseen, usually embarrassing or awkward, turn of events
here's a rum go
- informal.a bargain or agreement
- all the go informal.very popular; in fashion
- from the word go informal.from the very beginning
- See get-up-and-go
- no go informal.impossible; abortive or futile
it's no go, I'm afraid
- on the go and energetic
- informal.postpositive functioning properly and ready for action: esp used in astronautics
all systems are go
3/ ɡəʊ /
- a game for two players in which stones are placed on a board marked with a grid, the object being to capture territory on the board
Word History and Origins
Origin of go1
Origin of go2
Word History and Origins
Origin of go1
Origin of go2
Idioms and Phrases
- from the word “go”, from the very start; since the beginning.
- go and, to be so thoughtless, unfortunate, or silly as to:
It was going to be a surprise but he went and told her.
- go at it,
- to fight or argue vehemently or violently:
My brothers went at it all the time when they were younger, but never did more damage than a black eye or two.
- to have sex or engage in passionate kissing and caressing; make out:
There were couples going at it in all of the parked cars on Lover’s Lane.
- go down on, Slang: Vulgar. to perform fellatio or cunnilingus on.
- go for it, Informal. to pursue a goal with determination.
- go it alone, to act or proceed independently, without assistance, companionship, or the like:
If you don't want to form a partnership, I'll go it alone.
- go there, to discuss or think about a specific, typically undesirable topic (usually used negatively):
No personal questions, please—I don't go there.
- go to it, Informal. to begin vigorously and at once.
- go to!, Archaic.
- you don't say! I don't believe you!
- let's do it! come on!
- go together,
- to be appropriate or harmonious:
The rug and curtains don't go together.
- Informal. to keep company; date; court:
They have gone together for two years.
- let go with, to express or utter with abandon:
He let go with a sudden yell.
- let go,
- to release one's grasp or hold:
Please let go of my arm.
- to free; release.
- to cease to employ; dismiss:
Business was slack and many employees were let go.
- to become unrestrained; abandon inhibitions:
She'd be good fun if she would just let go and enjoy herself.
- to dismiss; forget; discard:
Once he has an idea, he never lets go of it.
- let oneself go,
- to free oneself of inhibitions or restraint:
Let yourself go and get mad once in a while.
- to let one's physical appearance decline; stop taking care of one's appearance:
aging TV stars who've really let themselves go.
- on the go,
- very busy; active:
She's always on the go.
- while going from place to place; while traveling.
- to go, Informal. (of food) for consumption off the premises where sold:
coffee to go.
- go ape over / for. ape ( def 7 ).
- go bananas. bananas ( def 2 ).
- go for broke. broke ( def 9 ).
- go native. native ( def 25 ).
- go steady. steady ( def 18 ).
- go the whole hog. whole hog.
- no go. no-go ( def ).
Example Sentences
The 79-year-old could become the first Asian former head of state to go on trial at the ICC.
Here's a little preview of the kind of scientific expertise we'll be relying on going forward:
When asked a couple of weeks ago if she was going to quit as an MSP she told journalists "you'll have to wait and see".
It has led to a 34-3 record going into their final game.
Downing Street was forced to defend his appointment after he was linked with a string of high-profile projects that went over budget.
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.