

View synonyms for parliament


[ pahr-luh-muhntor, sometimes, pahrl-yuh- ]


  1. (usually initial capital letter) the legislature of Great Britain, historically the assembly of the three estates, now composed of Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal, forming together the House of Lords, and representatives of the counties, cities, boroughs, and universities, forming the House of Commons.
  2. (usually initial capital letter) the legislature of certain British colonies and possessions.
  3. a legislative body in any of various other countries.
  4. French History. any of several high courts of justice in France before 1789.
  5. a meeting or assembly for conference on public or national affairs.



/ ˈpɑːləmənt /


  1. an assembly of the representatives of a political nation or people, often the supreme legislative authority
  2. any legislative or deliberative assembly, conference, etc
  3. Alsoparlement (in France before the Revolution) any of several high courts of justice in which royal decrees were registered
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012



/ ˈpɑːləmənt /


  1. the highest legislative authority in Britain, consisting of the House of Commons, which exercises effective power, the House of Lords, and the sovereign
  2. a similar legislature in another country
  3. the two chambers of a Parliament
  4. the lower chamber of a Parliament
  5. any of the assemblies of such a body created by a general election and royal summons and dissolved before the next election
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


  1. An assembly of representatives, usually of an entire nation, that makes laws. Parliaments began in the Middle Ages in struggles for power between kings and their people. Today, parliaments differ from other kinds of legislatures in one important way: some of the representatives in the parliament serve as government ministers , in charge of carrying out the laws that the parliament passes. Generally, a parliament is divided by political parties, and the representative who leads the strongest political party in the parliament becomes the nation's head of government . This leader is usually called the prime minister or premier . Typically, a different person — usually a king, queen, or president — is head of state , and this person's duties are usually more ceremonial than governmental.
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The number of nations governed by parliaments has greatly increased in modern times.
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Other Words From

  • anti·parlia·ment adjective
  • inter·parlia·ment adjective
  • sub·parlia·ment noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of parliament1

First recorded in 1250–1300; Middle English: “discourse, consultation, Parliament,” from Anglo-Latin parliamentum, alteration of Medieval Latin parlāmentum, from Old French parlement “a speaking, conference” ( parle, -ment ); replacing Middle English parlement, from Old French
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Word History and Origins

Origin of parliament1

C13: from Anglo-Latin parliamentum, from Old French parlement, from parler to speak; see parley
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Example Sentences

The head of parliament's transport committee has written to the rail minister, Lord Hendy, urging the government "not to forget about disabled people" when planning upcoming rail reforms ahead of nationalisation.

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Congolese mining industry analyst Jean-Pierre Okenda said some oversight of the deal would be wise, suggesting parliament and civil society should also be consulted if it was going to serve the interests of the people.

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The situation might seem to offer ideal conditions for far-right Chega, the third-largest party in parliament, to renew its attacks on corruption in politics.

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A Football Governance Bill, which would establish an independent regulator for the men's professional game in England, is making its way through parliament.

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Former Labour MP Mike Amesbury has said he will stand down from parliament after being given a prison sentence for repeatedly punching a constituent.

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