[ reyz ]
verb (used with object)
- to move to a higher position; lift up; elevate:
to raise one's hand; sleepy birds raising their heads and looking about.
Synonyms: lift
Antonyms: lower
- to set upright:
When the projection screen toppled, he quickly raised it again.
Synonyms: lift
- to cause to rise or stand up; rouse:
The sound of the bugle raised him from his bed.
- to build; erect:
to raise a monument.
- to set up the framework of:
to raise a house.
- to set in motion; activate:
to raise a storm of protest.
- to grow or breed, care for, or promote the growth of:
to raise corn; to raise prizewinning terriers.
Synonyms: cultivate
- to serve in the capacity of parent to; rear:
to raise children.
- to give rise to; bring up or about:
His comments raised a ripple of applause.
- to put forward; present for public consideration:
He raised the issue of his opponent's eligibility.
- Law. to make (an issue at law).
- to restore to life:
to raise the dead.
- to stir up:
to raise a rebellion with stirring speeches.
Synonyms: excite
- to give vigor to; animate:
The news raised his spirits.
Synonyms: inspirit, invigorate
- to advance in rank or position:
to raise someone to the peerage.
- to assemble or collect:
to raise an army; to raise money for a charity.
- to increase the height or vertical measurement of:
The blocks raise the table three inches.
- to increase in degree, intensity, pitch, or force:
to raise the volume of a radio.
- to utter (a cry, shout, etc.) in a loud voice.
- to cause (the voice) to be heard:
to raise one's voice in opposition.
- to cause (dough or bread) to rise by expansion and become light, as by the use of yeast.
- to increase in amount:
to raise rents; to raise salaries.
- to increase (the value or price) of a commodity, stock, bond, etc.
- Poker.
- to increase (another player's bet).
- to bet at a higher level than (a preceding bettor).
- Bridge. to increase (the bid for a contract) by repeating one's partner's bid at a higher level.
- Phonetics. to alter the articulation of (a vowel) by bringing the tongue closer to the palate:
The vowel in “pen” is raised to (i) in some dialects.
- to increase the amount specified in (a check, money order, or the like) by fraudulent alteration.
- Military. to end (a siege) by withdrawing the besieging forces or by compelling the besieging forces to withdraw.
- Nautical.
- to cause (something) to rise above the visible horizon by approaching it.
- to come in sight of (land, a whale, etc.).
- to establish communication with by radio:
The radioman was able to raise shore headquarters after three tries.
- Mining. to excavate (an opening) upward from a level below.
verb (used without object)
- to be able to be lifted or pulled up:
The window raises easily.
- (in cards, poker, etc.) to increase a previous bet or bid:
My cards weren't good enough to let me raise.
- an increase in amount, as of wages:
a raise in pay.
- the amount of such an increase:
His raise was five dollars.
- a raising, lifting, etc.:
a raise in spirits.
- a raised or ascending place; rise.
- Mining. a shaft excavated upward from below. Compare winze 1.
/ reɪz /
- to move, cause to move, or elevate to a higher position or level; lift
- to set or place in an upright position
- to construct, build, or erect
to raise a barn
- to increase in amount, size, value, etc
to raise prices
- to increase in degree, strength, intensity, etc
to raise one's voice
- to advance in rank or status; promote
- to arouse or awaken from or as if from sleep or death
- to stir up or incite; activate
to raise a mutiny
- raise Cain or raise the devil or raise hell or raise the roof
- to create a boisterous disturbance
- to react or protest heatedly
- to give rise to; cause or provoke
to raise a smile
- to put forward for consideration
to raise a question
- to cause to assemble or gather together; collect
to raise an army
- to grow or cause to grow
to raise a crop
- to bring up; rear
to raise a family
- to cause to be heard or known; utter or express
to raise a protest
to raise a shout
- to bring to an end; remove
raise a ban
to raise a siege
- to cause (dough, bread, etc) to rise, as by the addition of yeast
- poker to bet more than (the previous player)
- bridge to bid (one's partner's suit) at a higher level
- nautical to cause (something) to seem to rise above the horizon by approaching
we raised land after 20 days
- to establish radio communications with
we managed to raise Moscow last night
- to obtain (money, funds, capital, etc)
- to bring (a surface, a design, etc) into relief; cause to project
- to cause (a blister, welt, etc) to form on the skin
- phonetics to modify the articulation of (a vowel) by bringing the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth
- maths to multiply (a number) by itself a specified number of times
8 is 2 raised to the power 3
- to institute (a suit or action at law)
- to draw up (a summons)
- to increase the amount payable on (a cheque, money order, etc) fraudulently
- curling to push (a stone) towards the tee with another stone
- raise an eyebrow
- Alsoraise one's eyebrows to look quizzical or surprised
- to give rise to doubt or disapproval
- raise one's glass toto drink the health of; drink a toast to
- raise one's hat take one's hat briefly off one's head as a greeting or mark of respect
- the act or an instance of raising
- an increase, esp in salary, wages, etc; rise
Confusables Note
Derived Forms
- ˈraiser, noun
- ˈraisable, adjective
Other Words From
- raisa·ble raisea·ble adjective
- raiser noun
- non·raisa·ble adjective
- non·raisea·ble adjective
- re·raise verb (used with object) reraised reraising
- un·raisa·ble adjective
- un·raisea·ble adjective
Word History and Origins
Word History and Origins
Origin of raise1
Idioms and Phrases
- raise Cain. Cain 1( def 3 ).
More idioms and phrases containing raise
- cause raised eyebrows
- curtain raiser
- make (raise) a stink
- play (raise) havoc
Synonym Study
Example Sentences
That followed an order earlier this month that raised levies on Chinese imports into the US to at least 20%.
Another justification for tariffs from the president is raising more tax revenue for the US government.
Their lethal business has become the centre of a dispute causing shockwaves in the global economy after the White House used fentanyl smuggling through US borders as a key justification for raising tariffs.
Concerns have been raised by both Conservative and Labour ministers in recent years about how much public money goes on short-term accommodation costs.
Can a kinder society raise a man who deserves love?
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.