adjective as in clumsy, inelegant
Strongest matches
Weak matches
all thumbs, artless, blundering, bulky, bumbling, bungling, butterfingers, coarse, floundering, gawky, graceless, green, having two left feet, having two left hands, incompetent, inept, inexpert, klutzy, lumbering, maladroit, oafish, stumbling, uncoordinated, uncouth, unfit, ungainly, ungraceful, unhandy, unpolished, unrefined, unskilled, unskillful
adjective as in difficult to handle
Strongest matches
annoying, cumbersome, dangerous, inconvenient, perilous, risky, troublesome, uncomfortable, unwieldy
Weak matches
bulky, chancy, cramped, disagreeable, discommodious, hard to use, hazardous, incommodious, unhandy, unmanageable
adjective as in embarrassing
Strongest matches
delicate, difficult, embarrassed, inconvenient, painful, ticklish, troublesome, uncomfortable, unpleasant
Weak matches
compromising, ill at ease, inopportune, perplexing, sticky, thorny, trying, untimely
Example Sentences
That could mean awkward questions around the Republic's trade imbalance with the US, or the Irish government's plan to block imports from occupied territories in the Middle East.
The sergeant shook my hand, a paramedic removed my awkward neoprene boots and I rushed to my car to get some welcome heat.
An awkward bounce, a refereeing call, a moment of Azzurri genius - the hosts should have amassed enough points to insulate themselves against all such eventualities by the business end of the match.
She could stay at my place, but I have three housemates and no private bathroom, so it can be a little awkward.
He can tell a lie quicker and with greater depth than the most accomplished Hollywood actor — at least to the WWE fans who even enjoy his awkward and disturbing dance moves.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.