adjective as in awkward
Strongest matches
adjective as in awkward
adjective as in bulky
adjective as in clumsy
Weak matches
- all thumbs
- blundering
- blunderous
- bumbling
- bungling
- butterfingered
- clownish
- crude
- elephantine
- gauche
- gawkish
- gawky
- graceless
- ham-handed
- heavy
- helpless
- hulking
- ill-shaped
- incompetent
- inelegant
- inexperienced
- inexpert
- lubberly
- lumbering
- lumpish
- maladroit
- oafish
- splay
- stumbling
- unable
- unadept
- uncoordinated
- uncouth
- undexterous
- uneasy
- unskillful
- untactful
- untalented
- untoward
- weedy
adjective as in cumbersome
adjective as in halting
adjective as in hulky
adjective as in inapt
adjective as in incommodious
adjective as in incompetent
Strongest matches
adjective as in inconvenient
adjective as in inept
adjective as in klutzy
Weak matches
- all thumbs
- amateurish
- artless
- blundering
- bulky
- bumbling
- bungling
- butterfingers
- clumsy
- coarse
- floundering
- gawky
- graceless
- green
- having two left feet
- having two left hands
- incompetent
- inept
- inexpert
- lumbering
- lumpish
- maladroit
- oafish
- rude
- stiff
- stumbling
- uncoordinated
- uncouth
- unfit
- ungainly
- ungraceful
- unpolished
- unrefined
- unskilled
- unskillful
adjective as in lumbering
adjective as in maladroit
adjective as in ponderous
adjective as in uncoordinated
adjective as in unfit
Strongest matches
adjective as in unskilled
adjective as in unwieldy
Example Sentences
These days, even the most unhandy of us have found ourselves DIYing our way out of household troubles.
Unhandy New Yorkers move into a Pennsylvania fixer-upper bought by the wife for its history.
Perhaps there is something about Hardy that brings out an especially unhandy company.
Malcolm could see that the dinghy was an unhandy vessel, by no means as swift and easy through the water as La Belle Sauvage.
“A Place of My Own,” his second, chronicled the “radically unhandy” Pollan’s construction of his writing studio.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.