bad faith
noun as in breach of contract
Strongest match
noun as in disloyalty
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in double-dealing
noun as in hypocrisy
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in infidelity
noun as in pharisaism
Weak matches
- affectation
- bigotry
- cant
- casuistry
- deceit
- deception
- dishonesty
- display
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- false profession
- falsity
- fraud
- glibness
- imposture
- insincerity
- irreverence
- lie
- lip service
- mockery
- pharisaicalness
- phoniness
- pietism
- quackery
- sanctimoniousness
- sanctimony
- speciousness
- tartuffery
- two-facedness
- unctuousness
noun as in phoniness
Weak matches
- affectation
- bigotry
- cant
- casuistry
- deceit
- deception
- dishonesty
- display
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- false profession
- falsity
- fraud
- glibness
- imposture
- insincerity
- irreverence
- lie
- lip service
- mockery
- pharisaicalness
- pharisaism
- pietism
- quackery
- sanctimoniousness
- sanctimony
- speciousness
- tartuffery
- two-facedness
- unctuousness
noun as in sanctimoniousness
Strong matches
noun as in sanctimony
Strong matches
noun as in tartuffery
Weak matches
- affectation
- bigotry
- cant
- casuistry
- deceit
- deception
- dishonesty
- display
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- false profession
- falsity
- fraud
- glibness
- imposture
- insincerity
- irreverence
- lie
- lip service
- mockery
- pharisaicalness
- pharisaism
- phoniness
- pietism
- quackery
- sanctimoniousness
- sanctimony
- speciousness
- two-facedness
- unctuousness
noun as in two-facedness
Weak matches
- affectation
- bigotry
- cant
- casuistry
- deceit
- deception
- dishonesty
- display
- dissembling
- dissimulation
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- false profession
- falsity
- fraud
- glibness
- imposture
- insincerity
- irreverence
- lie
- lip service
- mockery
- pharisaicalness
- pharisaism
- phoniness
- pietism
- quackery
- sanctimoniousness
- sanctimony
- speciousness
- tartuffery
- unctuousness
noun as in unfaithfulness
Example Sentences
In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro earlier on Monday, Nate Vance said his cousin was a "good guy, intelligent" but that the meeting with Zelensky was "an ambush of absolute bad faith".
Any violation of those obligations made in bad faith "may lead to the replacement of judicial control with a higher measure of deprivation of liberty", it said in a statement in Romanian.
The first lesson of Gamergate was the propaganda value of bad faith, reinforced by endless repetition.
We can know this because both of these Republicans have previously acted in bad faith, but also because the answers to their "questions" are already out there.
I don't know if that's because of deep belief, but I don't see any reason to read him in bad faith on that.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.