noun as in acumen
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in astuteness
Strong matches
noun as in brainpower
Strongest match
Weak matches
noun as in capacity
noun as in cleverness
noun as in erudition
noun as in head
noun as in ingenuity
noun as in intellect
noun as in intelligence
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in judgment
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in mentality
noun as in mind
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in official
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in profundity
Strongest matches
Strong matches
- acumen
- astuteness
- balance
- caution
- circumspection
- comprehension
- depth
- discernment
- discrimination
- enlightenment
- erudition
- foresight
- gumption
- information
- insight
- intelligence
- judgment
- judiciousness
- knowledge
- learning
- penetration
- perspicacity
- poise
- practicality
- prudence
- reason
- sagaciousness
- sagacity
- sanity
- sapience
- savvy
- shrewdness
- stability
- understanding
noun as in reason
Strong matches
- acumen
- apprehension
- argumentation
- bounds
- brain
- comprehension
- deduction
- dialectics
- discernment
- generalization
- induction
- inference
- intellect
- intellection
- judgment
- limits
- lucidity
- marbles
- mentality
- mind
- moderation
- propriety
- ratiocination
- rationalism
- rationality
- rationalization
- reasonableness
- saneness
- sanity
- senses
- sensibleness
- soundness
- speculation
- understanding
- wisdom
- wit
Weak match
noun as in ringleader
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in sagaciousness
Strong matches
- acumen
- astuteness
- balance
- caution
- circumspection
- comprehension
- discernment
- discrimination
- enlightenment
- erudition
- experience
- foresight
- gumption
- information
- insight
- intelligence
- judgment
- judiciousness
- knowledge
- learning
- penetration
- perspicacity
- poise
- practicality
- profundity
- prudence
- reason
- sagacity
- sanity
- sapience
- savvy
- shrewdness
- solidity
- sophistication
- stability
- understanding
noun as in sagacity
noun as in sageness
Weak matches
- acumen
- astuteness
- balance
- caution
- circumspection
- clear thinking
- comprehension
- discernment
- discrimination
- enlightenment
- erudition
- experience
- foresight
- good judgment
- gumption
- horse sense
- information
- insight
- intelligence
- judgment
- judiciousness
- knowledge
- learning
- pansophy
- penetration
- perspicacity
- poise
- practicality
- profundity
- prudence
- reason
- sagaciousness
- sagacity
- sanity
- sapience
- savoir faire
- savvy
- shrewdness
- solidity
- sophistication
- stability
- understanding
noun as in sense
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak match
noun as in smarts
noun as in variety meat
noun as in wisdom
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in wit/wits
Weak matches
- acumen
- acuteness
- astucity
- astuteness
- awareness
- balance
- brainpower
- cleverness
- common-sense
- comprehension
- depth of perception
- discernment
- discrimination
- esprit
- grasp
- ingenuity
- insight
- keenness
- lucidity
- marbles
- mentality
- mind
- perception
- perspicacity
- practicality
- prudence
- rationality
- reason
- sagaciousness
- sagacity
- sageness
- saneness
- sanity
- sapience
- sense
- shrewdness
- soundness
- understanding
- wisdom
Example Sentences
The drugs - which are also used to treat schizophrenia - work by mimicking the behaviour of dopamine, a natural chemical in our brains which helps regulate movement.
Yet gradually and convincingly, “Riff Raff” demonstrates not just brains but heart.
In the first, Hackman’s local sheriff, Little Bill Daggett, already cemented in our brains as vicious, reveals himself to be a shrewd mocker of the written word as well.
One author considers why our brains take sides and how they can switch sides too.
Other people have brains and can see this vile behavior for what it is.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.