adjective as in crazy
Weak matches
- barmy
- bats in the belfry
- batty
- bonkers
- cracked
- crazed
- daft
- delirious
- demented
- deranged
- dingy
- dippy
- erratic
- flaky
- flipped
- flipped-out
- fruity
- idiotic
- mad as a hatter
- mad as a March hare
- maniacal
- mental
- moonstruck
- nutty as fruitcake
- of unsound mind
- out of one's mind
- out of one's tree
- out to lunch
- round the bend
- screw loose
- screwy
- touched
- unbalanced
- unglued
- unhinged
- unzipped
adjective as in frantic
Strong matches
adjective as in high
adjective as in lunatic
adjective as in madding
Strongest match
Weak matches
- agitated
- angry
- at wit's end
- berserk
- beside oneself
- corybantic
- crazy
- delirious
- deranged
- distraught
- excited
- flipped-out
- fraught
- frenetic
- frenzied
- furious
- hectic
- hot and bothered
- hot under the collar
- hyper
- hysterical
- in a stew
- in a tizzy
- insane
- mad
- out of control
- overwrought
- panic-stricken
- rabid
- raging
- raving
- shook-up
- unglued
- unscrewed
- unzipped
- violent
- weird
- weirded out
- wigged out
- wild
- wired
- worked-up
- zonkers
adjective as in manic
adjective as in overwrought
Strongest match
Weak matches
- affected
- agitated
- all shook up
- beside oneself
- crazy
- distracted
- emotional
- excitable
- fired-up
- flipped-out
- histrionic
- histrionical
- hot under collar
- hot-and-bothered
- hyper
- in a state
- nervous
- neurotic
- on edge
- overexcited
- overstrung
- overworked
- spent
- steamed up
- stirred
- strung-out
- tense
- tired
- uneasy
- unstrung
- uptight
- weary
- wired
- worked-up
- worn
- wound-up
adjective as in rabid
Weak matches
Example Sentences
The next day, Trump had his acrimonious exchange with President Volodymyr Zelensky; I don’t think I’ve ever seen my timeline so freaked out.
They explained that “because of his disorder, Lawler was freaked out by his contact with police, could not read the officers’ expressions, and thought he was about to be killed.”
"The Danes are utterly freaked out by this," another source added.
People are “freaked out to say the least,” said Jenny Seon, legal services director for Ahri Center, a nonprofit community organization in Buena Park that works with Korean immigrants and others.
They’re kind of freaked out and mostly worried where they are going to live.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.