adjective as in exemplary
Weak matches
- admirable
- batting a thousand
- blameless
- bueno
- characteristic
- classic
- classical
- commendable
- correct
- estimable
- excellent
- faultless
- good
- guiltless
- honorable
- illustrative
- inculpable
- innocent
- irreprehensible
- irreproachable
- laudable
- meritorious
- model
- neato
- not bad
- not too shabby
- paradigmatic
- praiseworthy
- prototypical
- punctilious
- pure
- quintessential
- representative
- righteous
- sterling
- typical
- unblamable
- virtuous
- worthy
adjective as in innocent
Weak matches
- above suspicion
- angelic
- angelical
- chaste
- clean
- cleanhanded
- clear
- crimeless
- exemplary
- faultless
- free of
- good
- guilt-free
- guiltless
- harmless
- honest
- immaculate
- impeccable
- impeccant
- in the clear
- inculpable
- irreproachable
- lawful
- legal
- legitimate
- licit
- not guilty
- pristine
- pure
- pure as the driven snow
- righteous
- safe
- sinless
- spotless
- stainless
- unblamable
- unblemished
- uncensurable
- uncorrupt
- uncorrupted
- undefiled
- unimpeachable
- uninvolved
- unoffending
- unstained
- unsullied
- untainted
- upright
- virginal
- virtuous
Example Sentences
He spins these as race-neutral, but it isn't a coincidence that the alt-right circles obsessed with raising birth rates tend to be lily-white.
There was something “rich and relevant,” Mr. Sanford said, “that you have this Black judge sentencing this guy — this lily-white guy — to life, whose family has been king for more than 100 years.”
The lily-white patriarchal hierarchy of the British upper class that Meghan has sprung Harry from.
For many Black and Latino New Haveners, that seemed to be the point; according to a local joke, the initials L.W.T. stood for “lily-white theater.”
Was I buying into the lily-white version of motherhood or disrupting the feed with my presence?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.