adjective as in fair, just
adjective as in accurate, precise
Weak matches
admissible, authentic, bona fide, factual, free of error, genuine, immaculate, indubitable, inerrant, infallible, just, on the money, on the nose, out-and-out, punctilious, right as rain, right on, righteous, rigorous, satisfactory, solemn, strict, thoroughgoing, undistorted, undoubted, unerring, unmistaken, veracious, veridical, veritable, watertight
adjective as in appropriate, fitting
Strongest matches
acceptable, all right, common, convenient, correct, decent, desirable, good, happy, ideal, proper, sufficient, suitable
Weak matches
adequate, advantageous, comely, comme il faut, condign, decorous, favorable, felicitous, opportune, propitious, rightful, satisfactory, seemly, tolerable
adjective as in sane, healthy
Strongest matches
Strong matches
balanced, discerning, enlightened, fine, fit, hale, penetrating, rational, sound, well
Weak matches
all there, circumspect, compos mentis, discreet, far-sighted, in good health, in the pink, judicious, lucid, unimpaired, up to par
adjective as in conservative politically
Strong match
Weak matches
adjective as in opposite of left
Weak matches
adverb as in accurately, precisely
Strongest match
Strong matches
altogether, bang, correctly, sharp, well
Weak matches
absolutely, all the way, completely, entirely, exactly, factually, fully, genuinely, just, perfectly, quite, smack-dab, squarely, thoroughly, totally, truly, utterly, wholly
adverb as in appropriately, suitably
Weak matches
acceptably, adequately, amply, aptly, becomingly, befittingly, fittingly, satisfactorily
adverb as in fairly, justly
adverb as in beneficially
Strong match
Weak matches
advantageous, exceedingly, extremely, favorably, for the better, fortunately, highly, notably, perfectly, remarkably, to advantage, very
adverb as in directly, without delay
Weak matches
at once, first off, forthwith, immediately, instanter, instantly, promptly, quickly, right away, straight away, straightly, undeviatingly
noun as in privilege
Strongest matches
authority, benefit, business, claim, freedom, immunity, interest, license, power, priority
Strong matches
advantage, appanage, birthright, comeuppance, deserts, deserving, due, exemption, favor, franchise, liberty, merit, permission, perquisite, preference, prerogative, title
noun as in justice, morality
Strongest matches
Strong matches
correctness, emancipation, enfranchisement, equity, good, goodness, honor, lawfulness, legality, liberty, properness, propriety, reason, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, straight, truth, uprightness, virtue
verb as in fix, correct
Strong matches
adjust, amend, balance, debug, doctor, emend, launder, mend, overhaul, patch, recompense, recondition, reconstruct, rectify, redress, repair, restore, reward, scrub, settle, square, straighten, vindicate
Weak matches
clean up, compensate for, dial back, do justice, fiddle with, fix up, go straight, make up for, pick up, put in place, put right, recalibrate, set straight, set upright, shape up, sort out, straighten out, turn around
Example Sentences
“We will not be bullied or allow our rights to be trampled on or stolen,” the group said.
I guarantee you ‘dinner table’ is going to be right at the top of the survey,” he says.
Through a planning tool known as “transfer of development rights,” homeowners in high-risk areas could work with city officials to exchange for property in safer neighborhoods.
In their early teens, Jax told their parents that the gender assigned to them at birth didn’t feel right.
So what are Musk, Trump and the congressional right really after?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.