adjective as in accepted
Strongest matches
acknowledged, approved, authorized, confirmed, conventional, customary, endorsed, established, fashionable, popular, preferred, received, recognized, sanctioned, time-honored, universal, welcomed
adjective as in admissible
Strongest matches
Weak matches
acceptable, applicable, appropriate, concedable, fair, fitting, just, lawful, legal, legitimate, licit, likely, logical, not impossible, not unlikely, okay, passable, permitted, possible, probable, proper, rational, reasonable, right, suitable, tolerable, tolerated, warranted, worthy
adjective as in approved
Strongest matches
accepted, authorized, backed, endorsed, passed, permitted, ratified, recognized, sanctioned, supported
Weak matches
adjective as in free
Strongest matches
able, at large, clear, easy, independent, loose, open, unfettered, unrestricted
adjective as in immune
Strongest matches
Weak matches
favored, hardened to, insusceptible, irresponsible, licensed, not affected, not liable, not subject, privileged, protected, unanswerable, unliable, unsusceptible
adjective as in legal
Strongest matches
constitutional, contractual, fair, juridical, lawful, legitimate, proper, statutory, valid
Weak matches
acknowledged, authorized, card-carrying, chartered, clean, condign, decreed, due, enforceable, enforced, enjoined, forensic, granted, innocent, judged, judicial, just, justifiable, justified, legalized, legit, licit, on the level, on the up and up, ordained, passed, precedented, prescribed, protected, right, rightful, sanctioned, sound, straight, sure-enough, warranted, within the law
adjective as in licensed
Strongest matches
adjective as in permitted
Strongest matches
acceptable, allowable, approved, authorized, licensed, sanctioned
adjective as in recognized
Strongest matches
accepted, identified, known, perceived, remembered, sanctioned
Weak match
adjective as in sanctioned
adjective as in unrestricted
Strongest matches
Weak matches
able, at liberty, free-spirited, independent, lax, liberal, liberated, on one's own, open, relaxed, unbounded, uncommitted, unconstrained
adjective as in warranted
Strong matches
assured, certified, guaranteed, justified, sanctioned, secured
Weak match
Example Sentences
Contaminated soil is allowed to be used as “daily cover,” a layer of material spread over municipal waste to prevent odors and pests.
For months now, it's been baffling how Trump, whose narcissism is boundless, has allowed himself to become a supplicant to Musk, instead of getting annoyed and competitive with the billionaire meglomaniac.
Monahan also confirmed that the use of range finders will be allowed at tournaments between next month's Masters and the US PGA Championship in May to see whether this improves round times.
The group's president Kevin Dempsey said the moved closed a system of exemptions, exclusions and quotas that allowed foreign producers to avoid tariffs.
Supreme Court on Monday allowed the lawsuit to move forward.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.