Example Sentences
Whether it will also pervert nearly unanimous First Amendment jurisprudence on political terminations remains to be seen, but as Dobbs illustrated, conservative justices who support Project 2025 are unconstrained by precedent.
They will feel unconstrained in expanding government secrecy and domestic surveillance and will not hesitate to fire career public service professionals who stand up to them and get in their way.
For starkly conformist Brazil, Irwin’s sense of unconstrained freedom may help clarify just what enraged those destructive observers.
They told me that, on the one hand, there’s virtually no chance that America will lose its democracy, even if Trump is elected and acts on his most destructive instincts, unconstrained by the law.
“Unfortunately, the supposedly magnanimous MrBeast did not want to use ... alleged unconstrained resources to provide fair wages, or even bare-minimum-legal working conditions, to the contestants whose labor comprised the core commercial value of Beast Games.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.