Quotes tagged as "75" Showing 1-6 of 6
“Up till recently 75% of all inventions from the time of the industrial revolution is credited to the countries where Protestant ethics were taught”
Sunday Adelaja

Sharon Astyk
“What we all have to avoid is the notion that we can buy our way out of our problems. Instead, the goal is to reduce our costs by extreme frugality. This is psychologically difficult because if there is one great certain confidence in American society it is this: you can buy your way out of almost anything. Other than a few things that will land you in jail even if you are rich, we tend to look for solutions that involve buying things. Having trouble with your marriage? Take a vacation. Pay a counsellor. Don't want to eat pesticides? Buy organic food! Indebted? Buy a book about how to get out. Worried about Peak Oil? Look at all the things there are to buy. Got a crosscut saw and a year's supply of dry milk yet? Don't want to give up driving and flying? We'll sell you some nice carbon offsets.”
Sharon Astyk, Depletion & Abundance: Life on the New Home Front

Mary Oliver
“I did not come into this world
to be comforted.
I came, like a red bird, to sing.
But I'm not a red bird, with his head mop of flame
and the red triangle of his mouth
full of tongue and whistles,
but a woman whose love has vanished,
who thinks now, too much, of roots
and the dark places
where everything is simply holding on.”
Mary Oliver, Red Bird
tags: 75

Martijn Benders
“Insecten zijn voor 75% uitgestorven hoor ik op het nieuws. Maar hebben ze het daar niet een beetje zelf naar gemaakt? Al dat gevit op de dierenwereld maar die insecten, dat zijn pas smeerlappen.”
Martijn Benders

Steven Magee
“COVID-19 has swept through 75% of nursing homes in Stockholm, Sweden.”
Steven Magee

Boris Cyrulnik
“Yüksek şiddet, sinsi sevgi yetersizliği kadar kalıcı etki bırakmaz.”
Boris Cyrulnik, Un merveilleux malheur
tags: 75