Credited Quotes

Quotes tagged as "credited" Showing 1-4 of 4
“Up till recently 75% of all inventions from the time of the industrial revolution is credited to the countries where Protestant ethics were taught”
Sunday Adelaja

“$86,400 USD is actually the amount of seconds we all have in a day if 1 sec is equal to 1 dollar. That amount of seconds God credits to each and every one of us daily. But when you go to bed it is wiped out and you get another one credited to you when you wake up.”
Sunday Adelaja

Christina Engela
“Despite the honor of being remembered as the first colonist to set foot on Deanna, he was also credited with discovering crabby-grass, the aforementioned life-form that disliked being stepped on. However, this also led to the unintended consequence that Mr Lupini also set the record for being the first person to actually swear on Deanna. He still lived on Deanna, and attended the Founder’s Day Ceremony every year, in safety boots. Not surprisingly, the bronze Lupini didn’t look very amused. Beside the representation of Lupini, stood Deanna’s national bird. It was supposed to be a symbol of the early colonists’ determination to stay and make a success of the colony, but its expression only made it look slightly constipated.”
Christina Engela, Dead Man's Hammer

Awdhesh Singh
“A wise person hates none and loves everyone. When you give love to someone without any expectations, your happiness account is credited. Each time you hate those who love you, or cheat your friends or become unfaithful to your beloved, a certain amount of happiness gets debited from your account.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness