Assertive Quotes

Quotes tagged as "assertive" Showing 1-15 of 15
Shannon L. Alder
“Staying silent is like a slow growing cancer to the soul and a trait of a true coward. There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself. You may not win every battle. However, everyone will at least know what you stood for—YOU.”
Shannon L. Alder

Sheridan  Brown
“When Booker first started working for her a few years ago and was living in their home, she saw him cower with apprehension every time she snapped a new order or made him redo tasks more than once, twice, or three times. Now, she knew that he understood her ways better, her need for order, cleanliness, and strict attention to details. She felt he was beginning to realize just what this fifty-seven-year-old Yankee schoolteacher expected of her thirteen-year-old house servant and pupil. He began to appreciate the books from which she taught him after his morning chores were completed. She gave him a few to start his own library and found he stored them in old dry goods boxes in his bedroom.”
Sheridan Brown, The Viola Factor

“There is always a good choice and there is always a better choice. There is always the best choice and there is always a choice to choose. If only you would think of the summary of your life tomorrow today, you would yearn to live and leave a distinctive footprint and you would never stand for anything at all”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“The aggressive person fights. The passive one runs away. But the assertive person stands ground, assesses the situation, adapts, and acts with purpose and passion. Be that person.”
Charles F Glassman

“rather awkwardly shy and therefore at times defensive and rather too assertive”
John Williams

“The sisters always had that deceiving glimmer in their eyes that instilled the fright, and they hold on tight to what they want. They will not let go until they have your body, soul, or both. But- I guess that I won this battle, yet we still lost some life. They burn the fuel to keep the acknowledgment of the made-up past, apparently going. They try to lead us down the path of self-destruction; just remember with an idle mind that is Satan's workshop. We should have a mind at rest that has peaceful faith, that is not lazy.”
Marcel Ray Duriez

Jane Washington
“You may begin the ceremony, Mavlys.” Vale cut me off, his hands landing heavily on my shoulders.

I opened my mouth to try again, but Vale’s hand flashed up from my shoulder, wrapping around the lower half of my face.

“Nod your consent if you’re ready, Tempest.”

Elrik swallowed, glancing at me nervously. “T-That’s n-not really how consent—” he stuttered, but Vidrol cut him off.

“Quiet. I can’t hear the Tempest. She’s trying to give her consent. What was that, darling?” With a glare at him and a sharp elbow swung back at Vale—which he ignored—I eventually bobbed my head. “Excellent,” Vale growled, releasing me. “Get on with it, then.”
Jane Washington, A Dream of Embers

Sarah Dalton
“I am Mae Waylander from Halts-Walden, daughter of Robert Waylander, a good man who lost his life saving hers.' I point to Ellen. 'And I am the girl who has saved your brother's life on numerous occasions in the Waerg Woods - who fought off a wood nymph, a psychotic pre-adolescent prophet, and a determined flock of killer birds - only to have your father shoot an arrow in my side because I wouldn't let him kill my stag.”
Sarah Dalton

“Being assertive enough to avoid being coerced into sex sounds like a good skill to learn. But you have to wonder what the corresponding page on Challenges said: Try not to rape your girlfriend?”
Moira Wegel

Gyan Nagpal
“Talent today is more aware, assertive and empowered than ever before, which makes it respond better to coaching and facilitation as opposed to direction and control. And organization cultures are changing to reflect this need by dialing down entitlements, privileges and distinctions associated with rank. This is an age which puts a premium on democracy and respect over authority and seniority”
Gyan Nagpal, The Future Ready Organization: How Dynamic Capability Management Is Reshaping the Modern Workplace

Chris Voss
“How am I supposed to . . . ? How do we know . . . ? How can we . . . ? There is great power in treating jerks with deference. It gives you the ability to be extremely assertive—to say “No”—in a hidden fashion.”
Chris Voss, Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It

“Know-It-Alls like Dr. Leavitt are knowledgeable and extremely competent people, highly assertive and outspoken in their viewpoints.”
Rick Brinkman, Dealing With People You Can't Stand and How to Simplify Your Life

“Whenever you’re being verbally assaulted, attacked, and accused, your goal must be to command respect because Tanks simply don’t attack people they respect. Aggressive people require assertive responses. Your behavior must send a clear signal that you are strong and capable because anything less is an invitation for further attacks.”
Rick Brinkman, Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst