Informative Quotes
Quotes tagged as "informative"
Showing 1-30 of 101

“The first impressions with the ashram people
are these sparkling interior experiences. The eyeballs can be peepholes into the Milky Way and beyond. You may mumble under your breath that the ashram people could be on something.”
― Digging for God
― Digging for God

“…the excitement of doing something for the first time had passed. I laid there in the back seat looking at the moon. It was unobscured by clouds except for a few wisps here and there. (Mitch) put his arms around me, and we looked at the moon together. You think we’ll have a lot of moons like this, this month? Mitch asked. “I hope so,” I said. We turned to each other and laughed. He didn’t try to fuck me after that. We just talked for a while about music, school, our brothers, and Janice, of course. And then he drove me home.”
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power

“No dig saves time and keeps it simple, so that you can continue cropping all year without using synthetic feeds or poisons.”
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

“The more you harvest, the quicker and easier it becomes”
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

“Try things out, be happy to make mistakes, but above all have a go.”
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

“In the conditions of this “New World Order,” a crucial part of the contemporary world economy is a criminal economy, in which the excess profits are accumulated not by the production of material comforts, but by drug-traffic, arms trafficking, and human trafficking, including prostitution. The contemporary world economy is an economy of the global organized criminality whose eminently form is the modern capitalist state. The contemporary world economy is an economy not of the real commodity production, but an economy of the jobbery; this is expressed directly in supply and demand of the capital of the speculation, i.e., in the fictitious capital trade, in the antagonistic games with share capital in the stock exchange. Just Wall Street’s stock exchange, i.e., the world speculative capital market, is the contemporary tremendous pump for inflation of the balloons of the world economic crises, the last one of which began in 2007. The aggregate amount of the bonds on the world market, as many economists know, is over one hundred trillion US dollars! Without taking in mind the derivatives! If including those, the aggregate amount is several times more! This is an enormous balloon as inflated as a red giant star! And when added to this amount the world market of the shares, the passing each other between real and fictitious capital grows to cosmic dimensions! This cosmic balloon will burst very soon! That means the most destructive capitalist crisis in human history lies just round the corner, the global economic apocalypse is just forthcoming! This ruin will be due to the stock exchange antagonistic games, the stock exchange that is, as a matter of fact, a gambling house! Because the securities and shares’ trading is sheer gambling! This becomes clear by the direct proportionality between risk and profitability, the more risk—the more profitability, and vice versa! However, this is gambling in which the stakes are not simply money, but millions and billions of human fates. So, this is a destroying-the-civilization-world crime economy!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face

“We are surrounded by forces that technology cannot yet measure.”
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

“Once your soil is fertile and weed-free, everything else becomes easier.”
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing
― Charles Dowding's Skills for Growing

“Just like the myth of the people’s or popular capitalism, which was propagated since the mid1950s in the countries to the west of Berlin Wall, to the east and the north of it, since the same time it was introduced the myth of the people’s or popular socialism. But the suggestion is always the same. Under any “people’s” power—from people’s capitalism to people’s socialism—the greatest illusion suggested to the oppressed classes is that the people are sovereign, i.e., that all the people dominate over themselves. In this respect, even John Kenneth Galbraith makes Marxist conclusions, which even in the Internet epoch have the same power: “Young people are suggested that in a democracy the entire power belongs to the people!” (“The Anatomy of Power”)
Yet, old people know that this is not true!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face
Yet, old people know that this is not true!”
― Socialism Is Dead! Long Live Socialism!: The Marx Code-Socialism with a Human Face

“Janice suddenly flopped her body down on the dusty, musty train seat and pulled herself into a fetal position. Libby stroked her shoulder, trying to comfort her. Maggie and I looked at each other. We knew Janice had more to tell us.”
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power

“Wanting positive experience is a negative experience; accepting negative experience is a
positive experience.”
― The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive approach to Living a Good Life
positive experience.”
― The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive approach to Living a Good Life

“Clinton has cheated on Hillary for years,’ I said (to his campaign manager James Carville). ‘I told you the story about the time in Greenville in 1984, when he invited me to his hotel room. That’s why I’m not volunteering or doing any work for him. He uses women the wrong way.”
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power
― Penis Politics: A Memoir of Women, Men and Power

“If every minute of time elapsed on the screen equals in length of time every other minute, and obviously it does, and if time on the screen equals importance to the audience, that is, one minute of screen time gives equal weight to the emotional, dramatic, narrative, and every other aspect of experiencing a movie as every other minute, and it does, then we know something important we need to know about screenplays.”
“With God All Things Are Possible!”
― Plotting A Fantasy Novel: Learn Elements of Plot and Structure, Outlining Scenes, Outlining Chapters, and Create a Compelling Book
― Plotting A Fantasy Novel: Learn Elements of Plot and Structure, Outlining Scenes, Outlining Chapters, and Create a Compelling Book
The ghostly words that I hear from the ones that speak to me are saying something like- ‘Look out for the stars that shine for you in hope. But- be aware to not fall into the deception. Do not mistake a star for a black hole, in the days of days, and the times of time, where the banners will be the red blood your loved one will have to shed. This will show the light upon the fault line. When their vials break free upon you and them. This may pull you around while looking at the ground. If you see this coming it is already too late for them to run, your loved one will be under the rains of fire, with the fight of freedom, and honor, with dust and sun. Remember you will have some loss indoors, yet the footprints have been made, and the boots will bring you and them home. Think of keeping the angels near. Yet always look up even when you are knocked down by life. The stars that we know, and love may just fall to us in a cloud of white dust, and life as we know it may not be here, and surely nothing will be clear.’ I do not know what it means- do you? Should I be scared? What are they telling me? Is this in my future?
(Spirit and evil life)
It is interesting how you can find your Angel, and how they can find you. I still believe it is a blessing to be able to see an angel.
However, the sisters must have heard the voices of hope and how they have spoken down on me, and they are going to try to reverse it and use it against me like a hex like they have been doing all these days in the past. This makes me believe, they have dark powers for themselves… for them to know my abilities, which come from the divine. They must have some kind of inkling or something. As I said, I think the sisters and the clan took things way too far, and it got out of hand. They were in the moment of high ecstasy with their erotic acts, they had complete authority over their meek victim.”
― Nevaeh The Lusting Sapphire Blue Eyes
The ghostly words that I hear from the ones that speak to me are saying something like- ‘Look out for the stars that shine for you in hope. But- be aware to not fall into the deception. Do not mistake a star for a black hole, in the days of days, and the times of time, where the banners will be the red blood your loved one will have to shed. This will show the light upon the fault line. When their vials break free upon you and them. This may pull you around while looking at the ground. If you see this coming it is already too late for them to run, your loved one will be under the rains of fire, with the fight of freedom, and honor, with dust and sun. Remember you will have some loss indoors, yet the footprints have been made, and the boots will bring you and them home. Think of keeping the angels near. Yet always look up even when you are knocked down by life. The stars that we know, and love may just fall to us in a cloud of white dust, and life as we know it may not be here, and surely nothing will be clear.’ I do not know what it means- do you? Should I be scared? What are they telling me? Is this in my future?
(Spirit and evil life)
It is interesting how you can find your Angel, and how they can find you. I still believe it is a blessing to be able to see an angel.
However, the sisters must have heard the voices of hope and how they have spoken down on me, and they are going to try to reverse it and use it against me like a hex like they have been doing all these days in the past. This makes me believe, they have dark powers for themselves… for them to know my abilities, which come from the divine. They must have some kind of inkling or something. As I said, I think the sisters and the clan took things way too far, and it got out of hand. They were in the moment of high ecstasy with their erotic acts, they had complete authority over their meek victim.”
― Nevaeh The Lusting Sapphire Blue Eyes
“The sisters always had that deceiving glimmer in their eyes that instilled the fright, and they hold on tight to what they want. They will not let go until they have your body, soul, or both. But- I guess that I won this battle, yet we still lost some life. They burn the fuel to keep the acknowledgment of the made-up past, apparently going. They try to lead us down the path of self-destruction; just remember with an idle mind that is Satan's workshop. We should have a mind at rest that has peaceful faith, that is not lazy.”
“I am interested in helping people to understand how to sell what it is they need to sell in a way that makes sense for both them and the investor. Over the years what I have been astounded that many artists and business people who produce theatre works consistently do not know how to go about funding their projects and moving them from one point to the other. There are many money sources around, but in many cases people who make theatre are not business minded to the point of developing the skills to mine money sources consistently. Ask yourself what is the motivation of this potential investor. Is it for financial return, is it for tax credit, is it just to help? or do they want to become a part of the entertainment business?
OK once you have discovered this then you need to think in terms of how do you present your case. This is what has come to be known in the world of investment as your “pitch deck.”
― The Guerrilla Guide To Being A Theatrical Producer
OK once you have discovered this then you need to think in terms of how do you present your case. This is what has come to be known in the world of investment as your “pitch deck.”
― The Guerrilla Guide To Being A Theatrical Producer
“Life is about choices and those choices create experiences, and from those experiences we learn valuable lessons.”
“When you make accepting accountability a priority, it shows others that you can handle responsibility.”

“When you know what your limiting beliefs are, how they affect you and where they came from, you’ll be able to go about removing them, so you can stay younger, longer!”
― The Lukin Longevity System: The Guide To Staying Younger, Longer
― The Lukin Longevity System: The Guide To Staying Younger, Longer

“Evil, crime, or suffering comes at us in many ways, and rarely does it wave a
flag or blow a whistle to say, “Get ready, I’m coming!”
― Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People
flag or blow a whistle to say, “Get ready, I’m coming!”
― Dangerous Personalities: An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People

“Canlı, esnek, devingen, değişken öğelerden oluşan yazın dili, düzanlamlar doğrultusunda bir kalıplaşmaya, geleneksel bir kurallaşmaya zorlandığı an ölür. Gerçekte yazın metinlerinin, salt dilbilimsel temelli bilgisayar çevirisine elverişsizliği de, bu özelliklerinin doğal bir sonucudur.”
― Çeviri: Dillerin Dili
― Çeviri: Dillerin Dili
“The economy is in the shitter yet nobody gives a damn, why should we go out and find a job? We can make more money on unemployment than if we were working. ‘We do not export anything, yet we import them, and yet they hate us, but yet we still love them!’ All you have to do is look at our front-runners and see for yourself. Pointing fingers is not getting us anywhere, throwing everything out, and starting over is what is needed. But once again you have to think for yourself and make your own choices, instead of letting them decide for you. I mean this most sufficiently: pull your head out of your ass and start caring about someone other than yourself, that is what I had to do, to see what was happening.”
― Nevaeh The Lusting Sapphire Blue Eyes
― Nevaeh The Lusting Sapphire Blue Eyes

“Most early-twentieth-century books didn't have illustrations. Corporate cookbooks, you know, ones that were created to sell a brand of something like vegetable shortening or flour, popularized the use of black-and-white photograpic images in the nineteen twenties. By the nineteen forties, most cookbooks incorporated illustrations, and colour photography became more popular. But the cookbook as a sort of a coffee table book didn't take off until the eighties and nineties.”
― Bayou Book Thief
― Bayou Book Thief

“Throughout this book, it is emphasized that through your promotional efforts, YOU are the one who is going to make the greatest difference in the success of your book."--Jan Yager, HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR BOOK (Square One, 2023), Introduction, page 5 in paperback edition”
― How to Promote Your Book: A Practical Guide to Promoting Your Own Title
― How to Promote Your Book: A Practical Guide to Promoting Your Own Title

“For more than half a century now, we have treated the trials of sickness, aging, and mortality as medical concerns. It's been and experiment in social engineering, putting our fate in the hands of people valued more for their technical prowess than for their understanding of human needs. That experiment has failed... we seek a life of worth and purpose, yet are routinely denied the conditions that might make it possible, there is no other way to see what modern society has done.”
― Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
― Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
“Eat what you love, love what you eat but make it nutritious.”
― Fast Food Made Healthy: Your Guide to Smart Choices and Guilt-Free Bites
― Fast Food Made Healthy: Your Guide to Smart Choices and Guilt-Free Bites

“It's just one of those days
One of those days which you can't concentrate on anything
Where everyone around you is loud yet you can't hear it
Stuck in your own little world
Not really feeling any kind of emotion
Just a little uncertain
Just need a little break away from everyone
Just a break to re-energise
I guess we all need one of those days”
One of those days which you can't concentrate on anything
Where everyone around you is loud yet you can't hear it
Stuck in your own little world
Not really feeling any kind of emotion
Just a little uncertain
Just need a little break away from everyone
Just a break to re-energise
I guess we all need one of those days”
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