Bulgaria Quotes
Quotes tagged as "bulgaria"
Showing 1-30 of 36

“Това е много странно, а когато АЗ кажа, че нещо е странно, значи работата е много сериозна.
Ейдриан към Роуз”
― Shadow Kiss
Ейдриан към Роуз”
― Shadow Kiss

“Bulgaria, I reflected as I walked back to the hotel, isn’t a country; it’s a near-death experience.”
― Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe
― Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe
“Bulgaria has many secrets, many layers. The people do not give out information so easy. To understand Bulgaria, you must live here a long time, be intimate with people, live like a Bulgarian, and speak our language. Even then I don't know how close you can be to real truth. All you see is what is left of us.”
― The Making of June
― The Making of June

“Но това е най-важното:човек да знае какво да върже и какво да развърже в себе си, също и в другите. Какво да върже, какво да изкорени най-напред в себе си.”
― Самуил: Щитове каменни
― Самуил: Щитове каменни

“Нашата нищета и всички наши грижи ние сами ще си ги знаем и ще ги понасяме.”
― Самуил: Щитове каменни
― Самуил: Щитове каменни

“Да се научим най-напред да милейме един за друг, да се жалим, та да се хванем сички ръка за ръка...”
― Преспанските камбани
― Преспанските камбани

“Всъщност на нас цялата ни земя по тоя начин се подрежда, усукана, рошава, както е усукан и рошав целият Балкански полуостров. Мисля аз, че тъкмо тази усуканост и рошавост правят земята ни живописна. У нас ни степи, ни прерии, ни савани, ни пусти, а всичко е в една прекрасна бъркотия, където природата си е играла като малко дете и е разпиляла край себе си всичките си детски играчки.”
― Нежната спирала
― Нежната спирала

“The airport in Sofia was a tiny place; I'd expected a palace of modern communism, but we descended to a modest area of tarmac and strolled across it with the other travelers. Nearly all of them were Bulgarian,
I decided, trying to catch something of their conversations. They were
handsome people, some of them strikingly so, and their faces varied
from the dark-eyed pale Slav to a Middle-Eastern bronze, a kaleidoscope
of rich hues and shaggy black eyebrows, noses long and flaring, or
aquiline, or deeply hooked, young women with curly black hair and noble
foreheads, and energetic old men with few teeth. They smiled or laughed and talked eagerly with one another; one tall man gesticulated to his companion with a folded newspaper. Their clothes were distinctly not Western, although I would have been hard put to say what it was about the cuts of suits and skirts, the heavy shoes and dark hats, that was unfamiliar to me.”
― The Historian
I decided, trying to catch something of their conversations. They were
handsome people, some of them strikingly so, and their faces varied
from the dark-eyed pale Slav to a Middle-Eastern bronze, a kaleidoscope
of rich hues and shaggy black eyebrows, noses long and flaring, or
aquiline, or deeply hooked, young women with curly black hair and noble
foreheads, and energetic old men with few teeth. They smiled or laughed and talked eagerly with one another; one tall man gesticulated to his companion with a folded newspaper. Their clothes were distinctly not Western, although I would have been hard put to say what it was about the cuts of suits and skirts, the heavy shoes and dark hats, that was unfamiliar to me.”
― The Historian

“Там ще бъде само душата 'и, но той не може да я види, нито да я чуе.”
― Самуил: Пепеляшка и царският син
― Самуил: Пепеляшка и царският син

“Prosperity is always built on slave labor. Ask any Ameri-can't. Or Bulgari-can. Yes, we can, eat from a trash can...”
― Nothing is here...
― Nothing is here...
“I feel more like I am in the Middle East than in any recognizable part of Europe. There really are wild dogs everywhere, and they cry all night long. There is a least a miserable, bohemian glamour to the life here. There are a ton of outdoor cafes with people smoking and drinking rakia. Gypsies leading dancing bears around on leashes, attractive people, glue-sniffing teenage gangs - contradictions everywhere. My email is hard-wired into a big, gaping hole in the apartment wall and ants and little spiders keep crawling out. I am trying to keep an open mind.”
― The Making of June
― The Making of June
“It's a tradition to drink rakia with snacks. Not like the Russians, you know, who just drink to get drunk. I like a little snack with the news.”
― The Making of June
― The Making of June
“Forty-five years, these people were provided for. Not with much, you understand, but there weren't beggars in the streets or homeless people. Now everyone must figure out a new way to make a living. Selling hats or popcorn or flowers or coffee, there's not much difference. They're scared.”
― The Making of June
― The Making of June
“Amazing that you can get a cappuccino at a gas station in L.A. at four in the morning and you can't buy a stamp at the post office in Sofia.”
― The Making of June
― The Making of June

“Младите днес залитат по чуждото, защото не познават историята си. Самият аз пишех експериментално и отвлечено, докато не открих чудния свят на българския фолклор и славно минало.”

“Но като смажеш главата на змията, защо ще кълцаш и мачкаш цялото 'и тяло, както прави селякът в злобата си?”
― Самуил: Щитове каменни
― Самуил: Щитове каменни

“A shadow appeared on the awnings further up the land, gliding across each rectangle of canvas towards my table, sinking in the sag, rising again at the edge, and moving on to the next with a flicker of dislocation, then gliding onwards. As it crossed the stripe of sunlight between two awnings, it threaded the crimson beak of a stork through the air, a few inches above the gap; then came a long white neck, the swell of snowy breast feathers and the six-foot motionless span of its white wings and the tips of the black flight feathers upturned and separated as fingers in the lift of the air current. The white belly followed, tapering, and then, trailing behind, the fan of its tail and long parallel legs of crimson lacquer, the toes of each of them closed and streamlined, but the whole shape flattening, when the band of sunlight was crossed, into a two-dimensional shadow once more, enormously displayed across the rectangle of cloth, as distinct and nearly as immobile, so languid was its flight, as an emblematic bird on a sail; then sliding across it and along the nearly still corridor of air between the invisible eaves and the chimneys, dipping along the curl of the lane like a sigh of wonder, and, at last, a furlong away slowly pivoting, at a gradual tilt, out of sight. A bird of passage like the rest of us.”
― The Broken Road: From the Iron Gates to Mount Athos
― The Broken Road: From the Iron Gates to Mount Athos
“Seda on ka Eesti ajakirjanduses kajastatud, et Bulgaarias saab operatsioonile ainult inimene, kelle omaksed on haiglale piisavalt palju sama grupi verd andnud.”
― Minu Bulgaaria. Magusad tomatid ja hapud viinamarjad
― Minu Bulgaaria. Magusad tomatid ja hapud viinamarjad
“Mu kolleegid Veselin ja Simeon on ainsad StroyRendi töötajad, kes reageerivad üleskutsele tulla koos minuga rattamaratonile ja lubavad korralikult valmistuda. Eestisse saabudes kiitleb Simeon, et on kokku kolm korda trenni teinud ja muidu kogu elu olnud sportlik. Veselin vabandab, et ei saanud aega trenni teha, aga tunneb ennast hästi...”
― Minu Bulgaaria. Magusad tomatid ja hapud viinamarjad
― Minu Bulgaaria. Magusad tomatid ja hapud viinamarjad

“Но защо вие тъй за своите! Елините може наистина да са учени и мудри, но защо ще хуля своите? С тях сме ние едни и същи, с тях живеем, добри люде са нашите. Мили ми са те и свои.”
― Хилендарският монах
― Хилендарският монах

“В тила корупцията и спекулата бяха достигнали нечувани размери, страшната скъпотия обиждаше дори офицерите, които можеха да купят с едномесечната си заплата само десет макари конци или една тенекия газ. В това време правителствените вестници се пълнеха с патриотични статии и позиви, министрите даваха успокоителни изявления и надежди за мир, а главната квартира тайно подготвяше офанзива с изтощените войници, които боси трябваше да атакуват заетите от неприятеля височини.”
― Крадецът на праскови
― Крадецът на праскови
“Ако често пътуваш из отдалечени села и градчета (независимо дали в България, или в чужбина), няма как да не ти се е случвало непознати да те поканят на кафе след 3 минути разговор. Автоматичната реакция на градския човек е да откаже. Автоматичната реакция на истинския пътешественик е да приеме.”
― 203 Travel Challenges: Travel the World. Explore Your Inner Self
― 203 Travel Challenges: Travel the World. Explore Your Inner Self

“And as if blowing it up, flooding it, and keeping it behind the klyon wasn't enough, State Security special forces patrolled the area until 1989. Some locals say there was an additional 'live fence' of thousands of vipers specially bred for this purpose by Uzbeks along the southern Black Sea, under something called decree number 56. Why Uzbeks? Why vipers? Did decree 56 read: 'Let us fulfil the five-year snake plan in one year'?”
― Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe
― Border: A Journey to the Edge of Europe

“Στην Βουλγαρία δεν υπάρχει Θεός, γιαγιά, ξεστόμισα με το που φτάσαμε και την είδα να αλλάζει το λάδι στο καντήλι στον τοίχο. Η γιαγιά σταυροκοπήθηκε γρήγορα στα κρυφά. Και σίγουρα θα μου τα είχε ψάλει γι' αυτό, αν δεν έβλεπε τον πατέρα μου στην πόρτα, οπότε πέταξε απλώς ένα: Καλά τώρα, και τι έχει στη Βουλγαρία, εδώ δεν υπάρχει ούτε κόκκινο πιπέρι, ούτε λάδι. Μόνο αυτή μπορούσε να συνδυάσει τόσο καλά το φυσικό με το μεταφυσικό έλλειμμα του κράτους αυτού. Δεν υπάρχει Θεός, λάδι και κόκκινο πιπέρι,”
― Физика на тъгата
― Физика на тъгата
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