New Places Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-places" Showing 1-10 of 10
Karl Ove Knausgård
“Go somewhere you know nothing about and see what happens.”
Karl Ove Knausgård, Min kamp 5

Christopher Hawke
“Sometimes there’s no map when you go to new places, you have to make unexpected turns, but the beauty is these places are new.”
Christopher Hawke

Yamile Saied Méndez
“Rosario showed a different face depending on how you looked at her. She changed when you saw her from a bus, or a luxury car, or your own feet.”
Yamile Saied Méndez, Furia

Giannis Delimitsos
“When I arrive to a new place, it is no longer the place it was before my arrival. And I am not the same person either. I change it and it changes me on the spot. And together we give the world a slightly different face.”
Giannis Delimitsos

Megan Rich
“We arrived in Ulm just after the honeymoon, the moving there only prolonging it. Having slept that glorious jet-lag sleep right into evening on our first day, we took a walk through the streets of our new city, laughing aloud at our good fortune. How could we be living here?”
Megan Rich, Six Years of A Floating Life

“Ако често пътуваш из отдалечени села и градчета (независимо дали в България, или в чужбина), няма как да не ти се е случвало непознати да те поканят на кафе след 3 минути разговор. Автоматичната реакция на градския човек е да откаже. Автоматичната реакция на истинския пътешественик е да приеме.”
Мария Ангелова, 203 Travel Challenges: Travel the World. Explore Your Inner Self

Louis Yako
“I found Baghdad, like most big cities in the world: big, exciting, interesting, rich, poor, hot, cold, restless, sleepless, and cruel at one and the same time.”
Louis Yako

“It's unsettling, to be so far from home- all her usual anxieties lifted, only to be replaced with new ones.”
Kristin Cashore, Jane, Unlimited

T.M Cicinski
“You always thought that you would be glad you were here too and happy to call this place home. Yet now you know that calling a place home does not make it so.”
T.M Cicinski, Drifting Onward Down The Stream