Ideal Quotes
Quotes tagged as "ideal"
Showing 1-30 of 134

“Love brings to light a lover's noble and hidden qualities-his rare and exceptional traits: it is thus liable to be deceptive of his normal qualities.”

“Every single human being should be the fulfilment of a prophecy: for every human being should be the realisation of some ideal, either in the mind of God or in the mind of man.”
― De Profundis
― De Profundis

“It is not until you rhyme with a person that makes you their perfect match, it is when you are satisfied with each others peculiarities, and find jewels in their loopholes.”

“Beauty shames the ugly. Strength shames the weak. Death shames the living - and the Ideal shames us all.”
― Jordan B. Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
― Jordan B. Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
“So long as the man with ambition is a failure, the world will tell him to let go of his ideal; but when his ambition is realized, the world will praise him for the persistence and the determination that he manifested during his dark hours, and everybody will point to his life as an example for coming generations. This is invariably the rule. Therefore pay no attention to what the world says when you are down. Be determined to get up, to reach the highest goal you have in view, and you will.”

“The need of the immaterial is the most deeply rooted of all needs. One must have bread; but before bread, one must have the ideal.”
― The Memoirs of Victor Hugo
― The Memoirs of Victor Hugo

“Christ knew that by bread alone you cannot reanimate man. If there were no spiritual life, no ideal of Beauty, man would pine away, die, go mad, kill himself or give himself to pagan fantasies. And as Christ, the ideal of Beauty in Himself and his Word, he decided it was better to implant the ideal of Beauty in the soul. If it exists in the soul, each would be the brother of everyone else and then, of course, working for each other, all would also be rich. Whereas if you give them bread, they might become enemies to each other out of boredom.”
“And then all that has divided us will merge
And then compassion will be wedded to power
And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind
And then both men and women will be gentle
And then both women and men will be strong
And then no person will be subject to another's will
And then all will be rich and free and varied
And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many
And then all will share equally in the Earth's abundance
And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old
And then all will nourish the young
And then all will cherish life's creatures
And then all will live in harmony with each other and the Earth
And then everywhere will be called Eden once again.”
And then compassion will be wedded to power
And then softness will come to a world that is harsh and unkind
And then both men and women will be gentle
And then both women and men will be strong
And then no person will be subject to another's will
And then all will be rich and free and varied
And then the greed of some will give way to the needs of many
And then all will share equally in the Earth's abundance
And then all will care for the sick and the weak and the old
And then all will nourish the young
And then all will cherish life's creatures
And then all will live in harmony with each other and the Earth
And then everywhere will be called Eden once again.”

“Here and there on earth there is probably a kind of continuation of love; in which this greedy desire of two people for each other gives way to a new desire and greed, a shared higher thirst for an ideal above them.
But who knows such love? who has experienced it?
Its true name is friendship”
― The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs
But who knows such love? who has experienced it?
Its true name is friendship”
― The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs

“We know that the destruction of an ideal does not necessarily produce a truth, but only one more piece of ignorance; it is the extension of our ‘empty space,’ an increase in our ‘waste.”
― The Will to Power
― The Will to Power

“Все мы ищем в жизни идеальное. Когда-то мной владела сладкая иллюзия, будто в положенное время большинство людей находит предмет своих исканий и происходит это скорее рано, нежели поздно. Хотя мне не довелось найти его в годы моей юности, твёрдая уверенность в том, что он всё же существует, продолжала жить в моей душе в самую лучшую, светлую пору жизни, сохраняя надежду. Но я не нашла его и в зрелости и смирилась с тем, что отныне так всегда и будет. Несколько бесцветных лет я жила спокойно, ничего не ожидая от грядущего.”
― Emma
― Emma

“What happened to me? I asked myself.
Morris's high, smoky voice took me back to my university years, when I thought rich people were evil, a shirt and tie were prison clothes, and life without freedom to get up and go - motorcycle beneath you, breeze in your face, down the streets of Paris, into the mountains of Tibet - was not a good life at all. What happened to me?”
― Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson
Morris's high, smoky voice took me back to my university years, when I thought rich people were evil, a shirt and tie were prison clothes, and life without freedom to get up and go - motorcycle beneath you, breeze in your face, down the streets of Paris, into the mountains of Tibet - was not a good life at all. What happened to me?”
― Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson

“If the poet's description be criticized as not true to fact, one may urge perhaps that the object ought to be as described—an answer like that of Sophocles, who said that he drew men as they ought to be, and Euripides as they were.”
― On Poetry and Music
― On Poetry and Music

“I deal in the ideal idea, which is love. I buy, sell, and trade—and I’m willing to lose to win.”
― There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't
― There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

“I know this world is a long way off from the ideals it was founded on, but that doesn't mean the ideals aren't worth trying to attain, does it? That we shouldn't stand up and defend others' honor?”
― Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor
― Christmas at Sugar Plum Manor

“Sisyphus would be an ideal man if, instead of a regular stone, he rolled a diamond stone.”
― Yet Another New Land
― Yet Another New Land

“Men, it is in vain that you seek within yourselves the cure for your miseries. All your intelligence can only bring you to realize that it is not within yourselves that you will find either truth or good.”
― Pensées
― Pensées

“La vida secreta de Maurice puede comprenderse ya; era en parte brutal, en parte ideal, como sus sueños.”
― Maurice
― Maurice
“He thought out for himself an ideal, and spent the whole of his life and all his strength in pursuing it.”
― The story of Abraham Lincoln
― The story of Abraham Lincoln

“Tutti credono di sapere la differenza tra reale e ideale. E soprattutto adesso che sono in tanti a ripetere che bisogna lasciar perdere i sentimentalismi e pensare soltanto all’interesse, tanto individuale, quanto collettivo, tanto di un solo uomo, quanto di un popolo o di una nazione. Perché, credimi, il sentimento è una guida sicura, molto più di quello che viene chiamato interesse. Un uomo può dire molto meglio ciò che sente, ciò che ama o ciò che detesta, che non ciò che davvero gli conviene. Adesso la maggior parte dei popoli europei è in balia di sanguinose contese, e c’è ancora chi si ostina a credere che a muoverli sia stata la coscienza del loro interesse. Ma io dico invece che essi non sanno qual è il loro interesse, mentre conoscono benissimo le loro passioni. E mentre credono di obbedire all’interesse, non fanno altro che obbedire alle passioni…”
― Niebla
― Niebla

“Thus the idea is lost in the ideal and the ideal, in its turn, in the method of its application.”
― The Destiny of the Nations
― The Destiny of the Nations
“Perfection? More like a unicorn – elusive, mythical, and probably doesn’t exist. Why chase after something that’s as real as fairy dust? Embrace the quirks, the imperfections, the beautifully messy bits that make life interesting. After all, it’s the wobbly lines and smudges on the canvas that give the masterpiece its character. So, let go of the quest for perfection and dive headfirst into the messy, chaotic, wonderfully imperfect journey called life. Trust me, it’s way more fun this way!”
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