Sociable Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sociable" Showing 1-6 of 6
Susan Wiggs
“If you like cool, funny entertainment, you might like this one. It's a first novel by a local author." She handed him a copy of Practical Demonkeeping. "A very different kind of buddy novel. I thought it was hilarious."
"You're reading me like a book." The guy shook his head as if embarrassed by his own lame joke. Then he looked over at Blythe. Natalie saw his gaze move swiftly over her mother's red V-neck sweater and short skirt. "How can you tell that's exactly what would make me happy?" he asked.
Oh boy. He was flirting. Guys did that a lot with her mom. She was super pretty, and Natalie knew it wasn't only because Mom was her mom and all kids thought their moms were pretty. Even her snottiest friends like Kayla said Blythe looked like a model. Like Julia Roberts. Plus, her mom had a knack for dressing cool and being social---she could talk to anyone and make them like her.
Also, she had a superpower, which was on full display right now. She had the ability to see a person for the first time and almost instantly know what book to recommend. She was really smart and had also read every book ever written, or so it seemed to Natalie. She could talk to high school kids about Ivanhoe and Silas Marner. She ran a mystery discussion group. She could tell people the exact day the new Mary Higgins Clark novel would come out. She knew which kids would only ever read Goosebumps books, no matter what, and she knew which kids would try something else, like Edward Eager or Philip Pullman.
Sometimes people didn't know anything about the book they were searching for except "It's blue with gold page edges" and her mom would somehow figure it out.”
Susan Wiggs, The Lost and Found Bookshop

Amanda Craig
“Very happy or unhappy, people disappear.”
Amanda Craig, A Vicious Circle

Joris-Karl Huysmans
“At the memory of how tired, how embarrassed he'd been, M. Folantin considered himself lucky to be able to dine where he pleased and to spend the rest of the evening in his room; he reckoned that solitude had its advantages, that to mull over old memories and recount idle gossip to oneself was still preferable to the company of people with whom one shared neither convictions, nor sympathy; his desire to be sociable, to rub shoulders with others, evaporated and, once again, he repeated this depressing truth: that when old friends disappear, one should resolve not to look for others, but to live apart, to habituate oneself to isolation.”
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Downstream

Ray Bradbury
“Creen que soy insociable. No me adapto. Es muy extraño. En el fondo, soy muy sociable. Todo depende de lo que se entienda por ser sociable, ¿no? Para mí, representa hablar de cosas como estas. –Hizo sonar unas nueces que habían caído del árbol del patio-. O comentar lo extraño que es el mundo.”
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

Deyth Banger
“Science says that and sociable and not in both shoes you could be happy.”
Deyth Banger