Worms Quotes
Quotes tagged as "worms"
Showing 1-29 of 29

“There were days when she was unhappy, she did not know why,--when it did not seem worthwhile to be glad or sorry, to be alive or dead; when life appeared to her like a grotesque pandemonium and humanity like worms struggling blindly toward inevitable annihilation.”

“From that first moment of doubt, there was no peace for her; from the time she first imagined leaving her forest, she could not stand in one place without wanting to be somewhere else. She trotted up and down beside her pool, restless and unhappy. Unicorns are not meant to make choices. She said no, and yes, and no again, day and night, and for the first time she began to feel the minutes crawling over her like worms.”
― The Last Unicorn
― The Last Unicorn

“It was the day of the worms. That first almost-warm, after-the-rainy-night day in April, when you bolt from your house to find yourself in a world of worms. They were as numerous here in the East End as they had been in the West. The sidewalks, the streets. The very places where they didn't belong. Forlorn, marooned on concrete and asphalt, no place to burrow, April's orphans.”
― Maniac Magee
― Maniac Magee

“Hey, my spaghetti’s moving!” cried Mr. Twit, poking around in it with his fork.
“It’s a new kind,” Mrs. Twit said, taking a mouthful from her own plate which of course had no worms. “It’s called Squiggly Spaghetti. It’s delicious. Eat it up while it’s nice and hot.”
― The Twits
“It’s a new kind,” Mrs. Twit said, taking a mouthful from her own plate which of course had no worms. “It’s called Squiggly Spaghetti. It’s delicious. Eat it up while it’s nice and hot.”
― The Twits

“No! no! My engagement is with no bride--the worms! the worms expect me! I am a dead man--I have been slain by robbers--my body lies at Wurtzburg--at midnight I am to be buried--the grave is waiting for me--I must keep my appointment!”
― The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
― The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories
“...And you probably have little idea of how delicious - how toothsome - how scrumptious - they are when eaten fresh. Of course, I have my worm larder -" He corrected himself. "Worm larders, well stocked, but the earthworm pursued, or promptly pounced upon, and eaten fresh - as I've said - Ah! the earthworm, there's nothing like it! You can have your slugs and your wireworms and your leatherjackets and as many ground beetles as you like to eat - snap! crackle! crunch! You can have them all! There's nothing to equal the near liquefaction of worm meat as I pass its length through my fingers, sieving out the earth granules from the creature's incessant feeding. Or alternatively tear it to eat at once in great guzzling, gulping chunks.”
― The Little Gentleman
― The Little Gentleman

“So long, I replied, may we all have one good flight before we rest among flowers and the orbits of hungry worms.”
― Carnival
― Carnival

“When you take your stand along the maker's path, you must remain utterly still. You must think like a patch of sand. Hide beneath your cloak and become a little dune in your very essence.”
― Dune
― Dune

“Look at the worms, Eric. See how they glow with life? Like jewels! Aren’t even the smallest lives beautiful?”
― The Flesh Sutra
― The Flesh Sutra

“Bookworms are the most precious worms in the world when they are humans, feeding upon the paper's body with their starving minds.”

“Don’t give in, she urged the girl from inside her own head. Insist on your wriggly wiggly worms. Don’t let them take your story from you. If they do, you won’t ever hear it again and you’ll always have to read their books and be their little princess. Stand firm. Make them read you your wriggly wiggly worms.”
― The Devil's Missal
― The Devil's Missal

“What have you done? If you clip the wings of a butterfly, it is no longer a butterfly, it has become a worm. And because it will not live as the worm lives, it will rather die.”

“One quick snort and the pharmaceutical worm burrows deeper into my heart.”
― I Am the Fire That Flares Up Again
― I Am the Fire That Flares Up Again

“If and worms'-meat must have such respect, think, then, what reverence thou shouldst approach thy Maker (569).”
― The Saints' Everlasting Rest
― The Saints' Everlasting Rest

“The one night a year when millions of balolo, tiny sea worms, come up from the deep and transform the surface of the sea into a billowing, undulating carpet. The small deep-water serpent that's lifted up by the full moon for one single, magical night to lay its eggs and sperm in a gelatinous soup- it's a gastronomic delicacy the people of Korototoka can't get enough of.”
― Pieces of Happiness
― Pieces of Happiness

“Why is it that a worm can regrow most of its body, but we can't replace so much as a finger? I am left with the troubling conclusion that the worm's survival may, in the grand scheme of things, be more important than my own.”
― The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms
― The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms

“Todd had dinner at Danny’s that night. Danny’s mother served fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Then she and Danny’s father argued all through dinner about where to go on their vacation, and whether or not they should save the money and buy a couch instead.
Danny seemed really embarrassed about his parents’ loud arguing.
But Todd didn’t mind it at all. He was so happy to relax and eat and not worry about finding any long, purple worms on his plate or in his glass.”
― Go Eat Worms!
Danny seemed really embarrassed about his parents’ loud arguing.
But Todd didn’t mind it at all. He was so happy to relax and eat and not worry about finding any long, purple worms on his plate or in his glass.”
― Go Eat Worms!

“All thoughts are alike the moans of a worm stepped on by the angels”
― Pensées étranglées - Précédé de Le mauvais démiurge
― Pensées étranglées - Précédé de Le mauvais démiurge

“But look at man, the impossible creature! Here nature seems to have thrown caution to the winds along with the programmed instincts. She created an animal who has no defense against full perception of the external world, an animal completely open to experience. Not only in front of his nose, in his umwelt, but in many other umwelten. He can relate not only to animals in his own species, but in some ways to all other species. He can contemplate not only what is edible for him, but everything that grows. He not only lives in this moment, but expands his inner self to yesterday, his curiosity to centuries ago, his fears to five billion years from now when the sun will cool, his hopes to an eternity from now. He lives not only on a tiny territory, nor even on an entire planet, but in a galaxy, in a universe, and in dimensions beyond visible universes. It is appalling, the burden that man bears, the experiential burden. As we saw in the last chapter, man can’t even take his own body for granted as can other animals. It is not just hind feet, a tail that he drags, that are just “there,” limbs to be; used and taken for granted or chewed off when caught in a trap and when they give pain and prevent movement. Man’s body is a problem to him that has to be explained. Not only his body is strange, but also its inner landscape, the memories and dreams. Man’s very insides—his self—are foreign to him. He doesn’t know who he is, why he was born, what he is doing on the planet, what he is supposed to do, what he can expect. His own existence is incomprehensible to him, a miracle just like the rest of creation, closer to him, right near his pounding heart, but for that reason all the more strange. Each thing is a problem, and man can shut out nothing. As Maslow has well said, “It is precisely the godlike in ourselves that we are ambivalent about, fascinated by and fearful of, motivated to and defensive against. This is one aspect of the basic human predicament, that we are simultaneously worms and gods.”
― The Denial of Death
― The Denial of Death
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