What We Do

Policy Analysis: The Policy Team is led by the Chief Policy Analyst and focuses on analyzing policies, coordinating multi-bureau policy initiatives, and studying issues from a department-wide and national viewpoint. Rigorous policy analyses offer a neutral approach to help leaders make informed choices about policies, programs, laws to advance effective and efficient resource management.  

Economic Analysis: The Economics Team is led by the DOI Chief Economist. PPA economists develop, analyze, and evaluate options that use economic and other incentives to help make Interior policies and programs more effective. The Team provides expert analysis, data visuals, reports, and other support on economics matters. The Chief Economist serves as the Statistical Official, a role required by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.  

Program Coordination: The Programs Team coordinates programs and activities that involve multiple bureaus and offices, including Federal interagency groups for which DOI has a major role or is required to lead by law or executive order. These efforts help to align complementary initiatives and leverage current programs of work while reducing redundancy and increasing efficiency across the Department, the Federal Government, and our partners. PPA plays a leadership role for invasive species coordination.