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Two sad women in separate frames, both with thoughtful expressions

Divorced Women Anonymously Revealed "Dark Secrets" From Their Previous Marriages That They Want Other Women To Know

"Most men see us as their mother, not the co-parent in the home. We parent, they babysit. There's an unattainably high bar for women and ridiculously low expectations placed on fathers. Also, they get to walk away and regain their previous single life — we don’t get to do that."

Poor People Who “Married For Money” And Rich People Who “Married For Love” Are Sharing What It’s Really Like, and Wow

"I married for love — my husband came from a poor family and didn’t have a high-paying job. After we got married, I realized he had hid a lot of debt from me: credit card, student loans, and the wedding, which I was told was taken care of. We’ve been married for eight years, and I have been the breadwinner and sole provider for at least half the marriage. I do find myself wishing I married for money, out of pure exhaustion."

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