Sex & Love
Sex & Love

Divorced Men Revealed "Dark Secrets" From Their Previous Marriage That They Want Other Men To Know
"When you get married, you do not know what you’re getting into. But you need to accept when it's time to leave and not look back. It took me years to stop trying to figure out what went wrong."

"I Would Divorce Him, But He Has Cancer": People Who Dated Or Married Trump Supporters Are Sharing Their Stories, And It's Heartbreaking
"My husband is a Trump voter, and there are times I just can’t love him in the same way anymore due to what MAGA stands for."

13 Unhinged Men Who Took “Grand Gestures” Way, Way, Way Too Far For Love
There's a reason so many women would pick the bear.

"There Is No Reason To Do This To Your Partner": 23 "Normal" Everyday Habits People Do In Their Relationships That Could Actually Be Considered Abusive
"In retrospect, I was an idiot to keep it going for as long as I did."

Women Are Sharing What It's Like Dating Conservative Men, And My Jaw Is On The Floor
"He left me to return to his ex because he said I couldn’t be trained."

17 Super Intimate Things Couples Do Together That Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With Sex
"It makes waking up and starting the day so much nicer."

19 Red Flags That People Who Were Cheated On Missed — But Now See Very Clearly
Hindsight is 20/20.

People Are Sharing Life-Changing Relationship Advice They've Been Given, And Everyone Needs To Immediately Voice Note These To Themselves
"I love the quote, 'I don't want you to save me, but you can hold my hand while I save myself.' Support with respect is key."

I'm Genuinely Curious If You Think This Woman Is Being Selfish After She Refused Her Husband's Request To Stop Speaking In His Native Language
"Your husband saying 'you don't sound like my wife' in German isn't about your language skills — it's about missing the natural, intimate connection you share in English."

19 Totally Unexpected Reasons Why A Couple Broke Up Or Got Divorced
"I had a friend who bragged about how sweet her new boyfriend was and casually added, 'Too bad I have to break up with him. I can't be seen with a haircut like that.'"

This Wedding Ring Designer Has Over A Million Possibilities, And I Need To Know Which Design Would Make You Say "I Do"
Emerald stone, gold band, medieval style...oh my!

Here Are 21 Concerning Things About Gen Z Dating Culture, According To Older Generations
Dating is hard, but dating in this Gen Z era is harder.

This Woman Has To Choose Between Her Long-Term Boyfriend Or Her Condo, And I Think The Right Choice Is Clear
"He said he would want us to live together before an engagement, but now he is sort of backtracking on that."

19 Dating App Nightmares Told By Women That'll Make You Want To Delete Your Account Immediately
Time to delete those dating apps, ladies!

19 Brutal Reality Checks That Made People Realize Their Marriages Were Beyond Saving
"My only regret is that I didn't leave sooner."

34 Devastating Moments Where People Finally Woke Up And Realized They Were In A Miserable, Dead-End Relationship
"I sobbed on the stairs for about an hour with the cats staring at me because I knew at that moment my marriage wasn't going to make it."

People Are Sharing The Hottest Things Their Partners Do Subconsciously, And It Ranges From Sexy To So, So Wholesome
"I love it when my boyfriend stretches and his shirt rides up. Makes me weak!"

Literally Just Choose Some Cookies To Reveal Your Soulmate's Sign, Hair Color, And Beige Flag
Okay, now I hope my soulmate can bake...

Divorced People Are Sharing The Wildest Thing They Or Their Spouse Did After The Split, And It's Absolutely Mindblowing
[He went to jail, then spent his one phone call asking me to drop the charges."

Sex Workers Revealed Unknown Things That Happen Behind The Scenes, And It's Eye-Opening
It's time to learn a thing or two about a thing or two.

Straight Men Are Confessing The "Gayest" Things They've Ever Done, And It's So Juicy
"After some alcohol, I took a friend up on his offer to suck on my toes. It was...bloody good actually."

21 Toxic Folks Who Had Absolutely NO BUSINESS Meddling In Other Peoples' Relationships
It's none of your business!!!

People Are Revealing "Devastating" Secrets They Learned About Their Partner Years Into Their Relationship, And It's So Sad
"I was seeing a guy who initially told me he had three kids. One day, he finally broke down and confessed he really had five daughters with three different women."

This Person Is Deciding Whether They Should Sleep With Their Dead Friend's Ex, And The Internet Is Completely Split On It
"Is it wrong of me if I did it?"

"I Trust Him, But I Don't Trust Her": 15 People Whose Partners Are Friends With Their Ex Are Sharing Allllllll Their Feelings
"If you can't trust your partner like that, you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with them."

At 40, I Still Wasn't Married. Here’s Why I’m Glad I Waited.
"Over time, I made peace with the possibility that I might not be a young bride, or perhaps even a bride at all."

I Thought I Hit The Jackpot With The Tradwife Lifestyle. Then It All Came Crashing Down.
"If you’re unable to answer these questions, that likely means you need to take some steps to get involved for your own protection."

This Person Is Married But Has A Crush On Someone At Work And Asked The Internet For Advice — Here's What They Had To Say
"I am married, and so is this man I work with, and I think he is also crushing on me maybe."

"He Just Sat There Reading His Phone While I Cried": 55 Devastating Ends To Ill-Fated Marriages
"I found his collection of panties he'd stolen from his conquests, including mine from when we were together the first time. Some were labeled from after we were married."

"It Felt Like A Slap In The Face To Me": This Woman Is Questioning Her Relationship After Finding Out Her Husband Voted For Trump, And People Online Are Chiming In
"I have talked to him several times about how this election has personally made me feel. He either stays silent or tells me that everyone has their own reason to vote the way they did."

20 Embarrassing Mistakes People Have Made During Sex That Made Me Spit Out My Coffee While Reading Them
"It was very dramatic, and he's never let me forget it."

My Wife Was Offered A Job Out Of The Country, Then She Suggested An Open Marriage. I Wish I Had Never Agreed.
"One day, I walked into the room while she was on a video call. On her laptop screen, I saw a guy…"

Gen Z Women And Teenage Girls Are Exposing The Harsh Truth About How Today’s Gen Z Boys Are Acting, And It's Honestly Eye-Opening
"It's been so sad to watch him go from my sweet little brother to a hateful guy who is stuck in his room all the time."

"We Lacked Any And All Respect For One Another": Divorced People Are Sharing The Exact Fight That Made Them Call It Quits
"That night, that fight, was the last time I saw him as the man that I would spend the rest of my life with."

21 Unbelievable First Dates That Went Horr, Horr, Horriblyyyyy Wrong
Love isn't always rainbows and butterflies, people!

33 Divorced People Who Realized On Their Wedding Day That They Messed Up And Married The Wrong Person
"My ex aggressively shoved the wedding cake in my face after I asked him not to. It was fully up my nose, my eyes were watering, and I was in tears. I knew he had no respect for me and was trying to embarrass me."

"Honestly, More Dudes Need To Learn This": Men Are Sharing The Shockingly Common Things They Lie To Their Wives And Girlfriends About
"If I tell her that, we won't be leaving until 11."

5 Fantasies Women Think Are Underrepresented In Porn — And Why It Matters
This list may surprise you.

People Who Accidentally Walked In On Their Cheating Spouse Mid-Sex Are Sharing What Happened, And I'm Actually Stunned
"I got home at 2 a.m., and there was a guy sleeping next to my wife in our bed."

People Gruesomely Admitted Why They Cheated On Their Partners, And Their Stories Are Juicy As Heck
"He wouldn't let me leave him, so I gave him a reason to leave me."

Sex Therapists Reveal The 7 Essential Post-Sex Habits You Should Never Skip
Your body and mind will thank you for it 💦

"The Damage Was Done": Divorced People Are Sharing The Moment They Knew Their Marriage Was Dead
"I found his collection of panties he'd stolen from his conquests, including mine from when we were together the first time. Some were labeled from after we were married."

Here Are 15 Smells — I Need You To Decide If They're Attractive Or Not
If someone smelled like rain, that would make them 1,000% more attractive to me.

13 Sex Tips From Actual Sex Therapists And Professionals That Just Might Spice Up Your (Sex) Life
It's time for some sex ed.

Wives Are Sharing The Red Flags They Didn't Notice Until After The Wedding, And Everyone Who's Dating Needs To Read This
"I don't know why I didn't dump him right then."

Marriage Counselors Are Exposing Huge "Warnings" You Need To Look Out For In A Partner, And Holy Crap
"If someone tells you they love you after the 1st or 2nd for the hills."

Married Couples Who Have A LOT Of Sex Are Sharing All Their Secrets, And I'm Taking Notes
"We have inside jokes and things we say to get the other one going."

Women Are Revealing The Things Guys Think Are A "Compliment" That Actually Made Them Feel Unsafe, And Men, You Should Take Notes
"They don’t get how terrifying it can be. It seems to transcend generations and start when you are very young and never end."

Older Adults Who Are In Unhappy Marriages Revealed What It's Actually Like, And I Truly Have No Words
"I dated my husband for nearly seven years before we married, but I realize now that I didn’t really know him. I made two mistakes – marrying him and then staying in the 'marriage' for 48 years."

18 Weird And Funny Real-Life Dating Stories From This Month That Make Me Feel Less Alone In The Wild World Of Singledom
"Men will ruin your whole life, and then come back and like your Instagram story."

This Woman Is Going Viral For Sharing All The Ways Her Ex Tried To Change Her Looks, And I Am Absolutely Gobsmacked
"He offered to send me some YouTube tutorials that would teach me the looks 'they' liked."

23 Ex-Brides Exposed Why They Canceled Their Wedding RIGHT Before It Happened, And Holy Crap
"Two of my bridesmaids (my best friend since high school and my cousin) got into a huge fight because they found out that [the groom] was sleeping with both of them."

People Are Confessing Their Worst Valentine's Day Stories Of All Time, Proving The Holiday Isn't Always About Romance And Roses
"I would love to have one Valentine's Day where someone is excited about the holiday and excited about celebrating it with me."

People Who Forgave Their Cheating Partners Are Revealing Whether Or Not Their Decision Bit Them In The Ass In The End
"It was always in the back of my mind, and anything could trigger me. I started to find him extremely physically unattractive, and the one thing that initially drew me to him, his kindness, appeared to be a lie."

Men Are Sharing The Things They Only Realized About Women After Being In A Relationship, And Some Of These Are Very, Very Good
"I had no idea that there was a difference. I thought there were three different names for the same thing."

I Was Madly In Love. Then My Partner Told Me They Had A Crush... On Our Friend.
"I imagined them falling asleep and waking up next to someone else, calling someone else when they were hurting, and marrying someone else instead of me."

I Just Watched "Sex And The City" From Start To Finish For The First Time, And I'm Honestly Shocked At How Little Some Things Have Changed
Watching the show now (versus when I was in my 20s) served as a nice dose of reality as a woman in her 30s.

This Woman Wants To Know If She's The A**hole For Breaking Up With Her Trump-Supporting Boyfriend, And The Internet Isn't Holding Back
"Supporting a fascist wannabe dictator is 100% a valid reason to kick his ass to the curb."

14 Tales Of Unrequited Love That Messily Broke Apart Friendships
"I wanted more, no matter how much I tried to believe I didn't, and I emotionally suffocated him."

This Wife Asked The Internet If She's Being "Ungrateful" For Her Husband's Gift, But What He Got Her Actually Filled Me With Rage
"Naturally, this makes me ungrateful in his eyes."

All Adults Should Be Able To Pass This Super Basic Sex Ed Quiz, But Can You?
Seriously, you should know this stuff.

24 Dating App Red Flags That Are An Immediate Swipe Left, According To Women
"If someone's profile mentions that they 'don’t want any drama,' THEY are always the drama."

People Confessed Issues They Face In Humongous Age Gap Relationships, And Man, It's A Doozy
Love is complicated, folks.

13 Men Revealed The Red Flags They Instantly Recognize In Other Guys
"Like, bro, who hurt you so bad..."

36 People Who Went On Such Horrendously Bad Dates, They Were Left Wishing They'd Pulled The Fire Alarm And Sprinted Out Of There
"We went mini golfing where they had an ice cream shop attached. He emptied his milkshake cup and peed in it while sitting at a picnic table. The ice cream shop had public bathrooms."

Experts Say These Are The Signs To Be On The Lookout For When It Comes To Spotting Narcissists
This type of narcissism is harder to spot but can be just as toxic as the overt kind. Experts explain what to look for.

My Boyfriend Told Me I Should Get Rid Of My Dog. I Got Rid Of Him Instead.
"He said he would try to make it work with Zoe, but couldn’t seem to stay in the house for more than one night with her in it. Within a week, it was clear that Zoe would never be welcome."

Divorced Women Anonymously Revealed "Dark Secrets" From Their Previous Marriages That They Want Other Women To Know
"Most men see us as their mother, not the co-parent in the home. We parent, they babysit. There's an unattainably high bar for women and ridiculously low expectations placed on fathers. Also, they get to walk away and regain their previous single life — we don’t get to do that."

19 People Confessed How They Feel About Their Significant Others After "Settling," And I Commend Them For Their Honesty
"They say to marry a man who loves you more than you love him, and that's what I did. I 'settled' for him, he 'settled' into a routine of complacency, and it broke us."

23 Non-Physical Things People Do That Are Immediate Icks No Matter How Attractive The Person Is
"You’re not cool, and you are making the world uglier than it was before you arrived."

"I Never Told My Ex The Baby Was His": 33 Shocking Secrets People Kept From Their Exes — Or Even Current Partners
"I only matched and met my current boyfriend because he is from the same town as my ex. 💀 It's been six years, and I love him more than anything or anybody else…but at the beginning, I just hoped my first love would slide into my DMs again."

Women Are Sharing The Things Men Think Make Them Attractive That They Actually Can't Stand
"Pretending to have a deeper or raspier voice than they do."

If You Check Off More Than Half This List, Then You're In A Gross And Healthy Relationship
Double the love, double the grossness.

According To Experts, Happy Couples Hardly Ever Do These 8 Things
We asked couples therapists — who have seen the good, the bad and the ugly.

"I Was Completely Floored": 27 Women Are Revealing The Most Caring, Kindhearted Thing A Guy Has Done That Made Them Weak In Their Knees
"It felt really good to feel understood and that someone was actually taking the time to know me."

"The Bar Is In Hell": 18 Times Men Were Praised For Literally Doing The Bare Minimum
"The bar is in hell."

34 Juicy, Scandalous, And, In Some Cases, Wildly Inappropriate Office Affairs That Shook Workplaces To Their Very Core
"Once HR started questioning him about it, some employee must have also tipped off his wife because she filed for divorce. The women he was sleeping with had to go to court and testify about their affairs as grounds for the divorce."

People Are Sharing The Worst Ending To A Date They've Had, And Ooof, Some Of These Are Pretty Bad
These dating misfires might make you feel better about any bad dates you might have had.

I Was A Happily Married Mother Of 4. Then I Met A Woman At Pilates.
"'I can’t explain it,' I told my husband. 'But it’s all-consuming. I go to bed thinking about her. I wake up thinking about her.'"

"It Often Heightens Anxiety And Sadness": Experts Are Sharing The Damaging Couples' Habit That Can Destroy A Relationship Over Time
The cycle of repeatedly and excessively discussing problems without coming to a resolution is what psychologists refer to as co-rumination. And it just might be the kiss of death for your relationship.

Sex Therapists Reveal The Top 10 Reasons Behind A Sexless Marriage
Psychologist and sex therapist Shannon Chavez says it’s “more common than not” for couples to experience a dry spell.

"I've Just Never Been Chosen": People Who Have Been Single Longterm (Or For Their Whole Lives) Are Opening Up About Why
"Unless an awesome man shows up and enhances my life in every way, I will continue to be single."

23 People Who Busted Their Unfaithful Partners Are Revealing How They Uncovered The Scandal, And Ouchhhhh
"I was madly in love until I got a message from an unknown account on Instagram informing me that he had been cheating for several years."

Women Are Roasting Their Exes After Being Asked To Describe Them As "Clothing Brands," And I'm Wheezing Like A Broken Hyena
"[My ex is] Nike. Constantly 'just doing it' with someone else."

I Am A Monogamous Woman Who Had No Interest In Being In An Open Relationship. Then, I Fell In Love With A Non-Monogamous Man.
"Somewhere along the way, I found out that he was non-monogamous. By that time, I was madly in love with him."

People Are Sharing The Worst Places They've Ever Been Taken On A Date, And Some Of These Are Truly WILD
"He took me to a Best Buy parking lot at night for our date. WTF."

The Internet Is Debating Whether This Common Modern Dating Habit Is Actually Toxic, So We Asked An Expert
Has Gen Z rebranded 'love at first sight' as love bombing?

"I Felt Tricked." Women Are Revealing The First Date "Red Flags" That You Should Never Overlook
"I went on a date with a guy who grabbed my upper arm, shoulder, and waist without asking. I don't know you; don't touch me, and especially don't touch me if I haven't told you that you can."

"Imagine Being Excited That Your Girlfriend Went Through A Painful Procedure?": This Guy Is Getting Roasted By The Internet For Celebrating His GF Getting This Medical Procedure Done
"Celebrating being a s***bag who doesn't want any responsibility is not a flex."

14 Dating App Disasters So Epic They’ll Make You Swipe Left On Love, And 21 Sweet Success Stories That Might Convince You To Try Again
"Guys aren't great at the picture part or presenting themselves in a 'realistic' way on dating apps, and it took me years to realize that."

After 10 Years, I Ended My Interracial Marriage To Save My Mental Health
"I always kept my composure rather than make a fuss when offended, because I didn’t want to be painted as the angry Black woman. That’s where I went wrong. I had let too much slide and didn’t speak up enough."

People Are Sharing "Basic" Things About Sex That Come As A Surprise To Most Folks, And This Is Better Than Any Sex Ed Class I've Ever Attended
" It’s not as clean as they show in movies and TV shows. You don’t go from having sex to getting up, putting on a skirt with no underwear, and getting back to the office."

I Fell In Love And Moved In With My Boyfriend After Three Months. Then I Realized I’d Made A Huge Mistake.
"If I could rewind the clock, I’d return to that June afternoon to reload the truck and drive toward a different future."

Women Are Sharing The "Innocent" Things Men Do That They Find Dead-Sexy, And I Agree With Every One
"It's sweet and a turn-on for women."

People Are Sharing The Controversial Dating And Relationship Opinions They'd Defend To The Death, And Ummmmm, Some Have Me Raising My Eyebrows
"Marriage isn't hard. If your marriage is hard, you're doing something wrong."

17 Women Who Left Their Partners Of More Than 10 Years Are Revealing What The "Last Straw" Was
"When the fear of staying and being stagnant in my life outweighed the fear of starting over, I left."

44 People Who Found Out Some Seriously Messed-Up Stuff About Their Partner After Getting Married And High-Tailed It Out Of There
"Six years later, he was in jail for murder. He stabbed his best friend's girlfriend 108 times because she caught him trying to steal drugs from their house when she was supposed to be working."