California State Parks Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities
It’s not just about the state parks.
California State Parks’ grants cover a diverse range of projects, such as the renovation and expansion of local parks’ basketball courts and soccer fields, construction of boat launching facilities on California’s waterways, programs for off-highway motor vehicle safety and environmental education, youth theater programs and the repair of playground equipment. And this is just a small sampling of what our grants can accomplish.
The funding allows for investment and innovation throughout the state. Totaling about $3 billion so far over the past 60 years, State Parks’ grants provide opportunities that bring together local, state, federal and nonprofit grant partnerships in a variety of areas—urban and rural parks, off-highway vehicle areas and thousands of miles of California waterways.
Learn more about State Parks grant programs and how the funding can help you reach your outdoor, recreational and conservation goals:
The reach of the Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) grant programs is broad. DBW invests in publicly accessible recreational boating facilities and boating safety activities throughout California.
DBW funding allows local agencies to renew deteriorated facilities (e.g., boat launch ramps, boarding floats, parking lots, restrooms, lighting for boaters) or to develop new public access. Boating safety education grants to universities and colleges, nonprofit organizations, local government and public agencies help in training, basic boating education and boating instruction safety centers, and equipment grants assist law enforcement agencies with the purchase of patrol boats and other safety equipment.
DBW grants also create important investments in the environment. The division is involved in furthering environmentally sound boating practices through its clean and green programs, abandoned vessel and boater sewage management grants, as well as research on climate change and wave prediction.
To learn more, visit the DBW Grant Programs webpage.
- Aquatic Center Education Program
- Boat Launching Facilities
- Boating Infrastructure (BIG)
- Boating Safety and Enforcement Equipment
- Boating Safety and Enforcement Financial Aid
- Shoreline Erosion Control & Public Beach Restoration
- Floating Restrooms - Clean Vessel Act
- Pumpout & Dumpstation Installation Program– Clean Vessel Act
- Pumpout/Dumpstation Operation and Maintenance Program – Clean Vessel Act
- Education & Outreach Program – Clean Vessel Act
- Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program
- Surrendered and Abandoned Vessel Exchange
The grants provided by the Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation (OHMVR) Division provide for well-managed, safe off-highway vehicle recreation in the state.
The funding provided by its grants supports numerous entities, including local and federal agencies, educational institutions, Native American communities and nonprofits. The financial assistance helps organizations and agencies implement sustainable, environmentally responsible off-highway vehicle programs.
Over the years, OHMVR Division grants have assisted with projects such as a safety program for off-highway vehicle recreationists, law enforcement activities to protect critical private property, and restoration projects to restore critical cultural and natural resources.
To learn more, visit the Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program website.
- Operation and Maintenance
- Law Enforcement:
The Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS) addresses California's diverse recreational, cultural and historical resource needs by developing grant programs, administering funds, offering technical assistance, building partnerships and providing leadership through quality customer service.
Since 2000, OGALS has administered more than $3 billion in local assistance grants from a variety of funding sources. The funding has established indoor and outdoor recreation in every corner of the state, built trails, acquired and restored sensitive habitat, built natural and cultural interpretative facilities, and fostered outdoor natural experiences for thousands of children, youth and families. More than 7,400 California parks have been created or improved through OGALS’ grant programs.
OGALS’ numerous grant programs include the Outdoor Equity Grants Program, bond funded programs such as the Statewide Park and Per Capita Programs, as well as annually funded programs such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund, Recreational Trails Program, and the Habitat Conservation Fund.
To learn more, visit the OGALS website.
Since 1980, the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) has awarded federal grants to local governments for their historic preservation programs. Numerous California cities over the years––including Benicia, Riverside, San Francisco, Berkeley, Davis, Fresno and Los Angeles––have been recipients.
The Certified Local Government (CLG) program has made this happen. OHP––while partnering with local governments and the National Park Service—provides funds through the CLG. Over the past 35 years, the program has enabled direct participation by local governments to identify, evaluate, register and preserve historic properties. Recent examples include the city of Eureka where the grant substantially increased the number of historic wooden windows preserved in historic properties. Additionally, the Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources used its grant to support the integration of data into, the city's online historic resources inventory and management system.
To learn more, visit the CLG Grant Program website.