Anime is not a genre, it’s an open-ended world of stories. Every week, we deliver the rapidly growing anime audience new recommendations, deep dives into the classics, culture reports from inside the fandoms, and interviews with creators and A-list stars who are obsessed as we are. Welcome to Polygon’s Anime for All.

By Zosha Millman

By Zosha Millman

The latest in Anime
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- AO3 is entering a new era
- Princess Mononoke is coming to IMAX for the first time, with two brand-new posters
- After years in development, D&D’s Unreal-powered virtual tabletop still feels off
- Pokémon Go (and other Niantic games) just sold for $3.5B
- Split Fiction’s invented sci-fi-vs.-fantasy rivalry gets in the way of a fun co-op adventure