Daily Shouts
Funny videos, not too long.
Daily Shouts
Edward Steed animates some of life's most crucial lessons.Humor
In this comedic short, the new Wordle producer derives immeasurable joy from watching people fail.The story behind the film.
In a comic short film directed by Dan Rosen, an activist embraces emoji-based language in a fight against literacy.Humor
A notably chill woman, voiced by Rachel Bloom, is running for office—and she's just unthreatening enough for male voters to give her a chance.Humor
Here are some iconic steps to celebrate the year with, from the “Can I Get Six Feet, Please” to the “I Miss Obama."Humor
Elizabeth Zephyrine McDonough gets some alone time on the beach, so she can reminisce about being with other people.Humor
Jon Hamm voices a father meeting his daughter’s boyfriend, flipping the stereotypes of the encounter on their head, in this adaptation of Sophie Kohn’s Daily Shouts column.Humor
A totally normal gathering features some unexpected conflict and a surprise guest.Humor
Interns Matt and Maht on how the social-media company’s new likes policy will affect you.Culture
When the beach rentals are too expensive, it’s good to know someone with a country estate.Humor
One man goes in search of the perfect intimate gift for his sweetheart.Humor
Get to know the hot consulting firm that’s #DisruptingDemocracy.Humor
Colin Stokes, a real-life English person, breaks down everything you need to know about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s impending nuptials.Humor
Introducing a new version of Shazam that recognizes every sound on Earth.Humor
Matt and Maht, ambassadors from the Russian Ministry of Sport and Culture, would like to respond to some of the fake news floating around.Humor
Matt and Maht, experts from the Federal Communications Commission, break down the issue ahead of the agency’s vote.Humor
Some women seem to have it all. How do they make it look so effortless?Humor
The annual Forbes “30 Under 30” list is well-known by the public. But who are all those people out there over thirty years old?Humor
Little-known fact: most people in New York have had sex with James Franco. Samuel Bronowski looks for the very few who haven’t slept with Franco yet.Humor
A Belgian immigrant reimagines the opening scene of the classic Woody Allen film, thirty-eight years later.Humor
Colin tries to break items suggested by his loyal viewers. He can’t let them down.Humor
New York is a tough city, but you can’t let that stop you from focussing on what’s important.Humor
Welcome to the new M.T.A.: Metropolitan Transit Athletics! Grab a towel, swipe your MetroCard, and get ready to sweat. Daily membership costs only $2.75.Humor
Meet uBox, the hot new startup that's disrupting the innovators that are innovating disruption by giving you the box you didn’t know you needed.Culture
Why are there are so many “Wet Paint” signs in the subway? Henry, a Belgian expat, investigates.Humor
A new generation of #hoarders has emerged—and gone mobile.Humor
Most hand sanitizers only kill 99.99 per cent of germs. Henry, a Belgian expat, has taken it upon himself to eradicate all of them.Humor
Meet Henry, a Belgian expat whose passion for Moleskine notebooks has inspired him to become a full-time artist.Humor
This pun video about Donald Trump’s authoritarian tendencies will really hit despot.Humor
With much of New York blindly celebrating the opening of the Second Avenue subway, one M.T.A. skeptic gets a head start on mourning the closure of the L train for repairs.Humor
For the truly devoted, autumnal weekend plans go way beyond apple-picking and pumpkin-carving.Humor
Your partner’s exes can get inside your head—and they might just enjoy a few mimosas while they’re in there.Humor
Watch an ace selfie-stick photographer hit the streets of New York City and teach people how to take professional-grade pictures.Humor
A couple in Brooklyn breaks up. The hardest part? Dividing up the Mason jars.Humor
Imagine if a reply-all e-mail chain jumped from the screen into your everyday life. What a nightmare.Humor
What happens when renters spend their entire vacation solving the mystery of who their Airbnb host really is?Humor
With this groundbreaking, clinically proven treatment, you can simply sit back, relax, and let your mind do the rest.Humor
No one feels bad that you’re being forced to watch the show. We all wish we were seeing it for the first time, too.Humor
A traditional Gaelic folk song about the world’s most majestic and glorious body of water, the Gowanus Canal, in South Brooklyn.Humor
It’s important to be politically aware. But if no one knows how aware you are on Facebook, does it still count?Humor
This once lost relic of a sitcom tells the hilarious story of two single women living in “The Big City” (which city remains unclear) and their neighbor, a doctor. You’ll never guess what happens next!Humor
P.R. reps swing by for a “deskside,” a practice in which products are brought directly to the offices of editors, such as The New Yorker’s Marc Philippe Eskenazi, for review.Humor
A documentary chronicle of the creation and distribution of bread.Humor
Two AM New York newspaper venders make a terrible discovery.Humor
From the people who brought you the lawn mower, the stanky leg, and raising the roof, some new dance moves for the least smooth among us.Humor
It takes the sharpest minds to answer the toughest questions. Recently, five of America’s top-rated experts convened to debate a subject that’s boggled minds for centuries.Humor
Marc Philippe Eskenazi croons some holiday tunes (updated to account for the effects of global warming) to jolly passersby at Rockefeller Center.Humor
Marc Philippe Eskenazi tests out which New York City establishments with previously strict human-only policies will allow in his menagerie of emotional-support animals.Humor
Think you know what reading is? Think again. Test-driving The New Yorker’s newest technological breakthrough.Humor
A long-lost recording of what appears to be legendary singer-songwriter Bob Dylan making prank phone calls.