adjective as in brooding, upset
Weak matches
- bad-tempered
- cheerless
- crabbed
- crabby
- cross
- cynical
- dismal
- dull
- fretful
- frowning
- glowering
- gruff
- heavy
- ill-humored
- inert
- irritable
- malevolent
- malicious
- malign
- mean
- moody
- obstinate
- ornery
- out of sorts
- peevish
- perverse
- pessimistic
- pouting
- pouty
- querulous
- saturnine
- silent
- sour
- sourpussed
- stubborn
- sulking
- sulky
- tenebrific
- tenebrous
- unsociable
- uptight
Example Sentences
There is immense depth behind her sparkling eyes, which she can turn sullen in a second.
The Labour front bench looked slumped, slouched and sullen today - the realities of government still proving heavy after less than six months in office.
You never know how she’s going to react and while her large eyes are often sullen and sad, her expression unreadable, Dyrholm’s are wide and bright, verging on the edge of mania.
His mood was sullen, according to Meridith McGraw, author of Trump in Exile, an account of the former president’s time after leaving the White House.
The feeling between Trump and McConnell is mutual — the former president once called the Kentucky Republican "a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.