adjective as in apathetic
adjective as in cheerless
Weak matches
- austere
- black
- bleak
- blue
- comfortless
- dark
- dejected
- dejecting
- depressed
- desolate
- despondent
- disconsolate
- dismal
- dispiriting
- dolorous
- drab
- drearisome
- dreary
- dull
- forlorn
- funereal
- gloomy
- grim
- in the dumps
- jarring
- joyless
- melancholy
- miserable
- mopey
- mournful
- oppressive
- sad
- somber
- sorrowful
- sullen
- tenebrific
- uncomfortable
- wintry
- woebegone
- woeful
adjective as in dry
adjective as in dull
adjective as in flat
adjective as in hebetudinous
adjective as in inactive
Strongest matches
adjective as in incurious
adjective as in lackluster
adjective as in lethargic
adjective as in lifeless
adjective as in nodding
adjective as in sleepy
adjective as in slow
adjective as in sluggish
adjective as in slumberous
adjective as in somnifacient
adjective as in somniferous
adjective as in somnific
adjective as in spiritless
Weak matches
- apathetic
- blah
- blue
- broken
- cast down
- dejected
- despondent
- disconsolate
- dispirited
- dopey
- down
- down in the dumps
- down in the mouth
- downcast
- downhearted
- drippy
- droopy
- dull
- enervated
- flat
- flat tire
- inanimate
- indifferent
- lackadaisical
- lackluster
- languid
- languishing
- languorous
- lifeless
- limp
- listless
- low
- melancholic
- melancholy
- mopy
- slothful
- subdued
- submissive
- tame
- torpid
- unconcerned
- unenthusiastic
- unmoved
- zero
adjective as in stuporous
Weak matches
- apathetic
- blah
- comatose
- debilitated
- dilatory
- dopey
- dormant
- drowsy
- dull
- enervated
- having spring fever
- heavy
- hebetudinous
- idle
- impassive
- inactive
- indifferent
- inert
- lackadaisical
- laggard
- laid-back
- languid
- languorous
- listless
- moony
- nebbish
- out of it
- passive
- phlegmatic
- sleepy
- sleepyhead
- slothful
- slow
- sluggish
- slumberous
- snoozy
- somnolent
- spiritless
- stolid
- stretchy
- stupefied
- stupid
- supine
- torpid
- wimpy
adjective as in tedious
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
The film can’t get to its gut punch of a final shot without a draggy closing stretch that tries our own patience.
Here the fact of her immense slowness — Horn often played at tempos so draggy that, at 30 or 40 seconds in, it felt like the song had barely begun — became an asset: You’ll often hear Ables reroute gamely in response to a rhythmic choice she’s made or a transitional chord she’s adjusted.
It also reduces drag - and this is the key for Mercedes, for whom one of the most significant problems this year has been the draggy nature of their car.
He was no hefty action hero, living up to his draggy image.
To be honest, beyond this pleasure, the show is mostly forgettable; it suffers from the draggy pacing of prime-time game shows like “Deal.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.