adjective as in knifelike
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- lancinating
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- razor-sharp
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in lancinating
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- knifelike
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- razor-sharp
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in oblique
Strongest matches
adjective as in stabbing
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Nearly a decade ago, I was tipped off that an outlier had interviewed for the vacant Dodger managerial job.
Intuitive Machines successfully landed a craft called Odysseus on the Moon in February last year, but it tipped over during the descent, meaning not all the scientific work could be carried out.
But then one morning in mid-September, a memo from the very top tipped him over the metaphorical edge.
Our drone camera captured the same lorry being reloaded and we followed it back to Raspberry Hill Park Farm where it tipped again.
Lewis said the thieves are sometimes tipped off to valuable shipments by confederates working at warehouses or trucking companies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.