adjective as in gnawing
Weak matches
aciculate, acuate, acuminous, acute, apical, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, ground fine, keen-edged, knife-edged, knifelike, lancinating, needle-pointed, needlelike, poin
adjective as in keen
adjective as in knifelike
Weak matches
aciculate, acuate, acuminate, acuminous, acute, apical, barbed, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, edged, fine, gnawing, ground fine, horned, jagged, keen, keen-edged, knife-edged, lancinating, needle-pointed, needlelike, peaked, piercing, pointed, pointy, prickly, pronged, razor-sharp, salient, serrated, sharp-edged, sharpened, shooting, spiked, spiky, spiny, splintery, stabbing, stinging, tapered, tapering, thorny, tined, tipped, unblunted, whetted
adjective as in lancinating
Weak matches
aciculate, acuate, acuminate, acuminous, acute, apical, barbed, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, edged, fine, gnawing, ground fine, horned, jagged, keen, keen-edged, knife-edged, knifelike, needle-pointed, needlelike, peaked, piercing, pointed, pointy, prickly, pronged, razor-sharp, salient, serrated, sharp-edged, sharpened, shooting, spiked, spiky, spiny, splintery, stabbing, stinging, tapered, tapering, thorny, tined, tipped, unblunted, whetted
adjective as in marrowy
Weak matches
aphoristic, cogent, compact, concise, crisp, curt, down to brass tacks, effective, epigrammatic, epigrammatical, expressive, laconic, meaningful, meaty, pointed, short, short-and-sweet, significant, succinct, terse, to the point, trenchant
adjective as in pithy
Weak matches
compact, crisp, curt, down to brass tacks, effective, epigrammatic, expressive, meaningful, meaty, pointed, short, short-and-sweet, significant
Strongest matches
Weak matches
aciculate, acuate, acuminate, acuminous, apical, barbed, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, edged, ground fine, horned, jagged, keen-edged, knife-edged, needle-pointed, needlelike, peaked, pointy, prickly, pronged, serrated, sharp-edged, spiked, spiky, spiny, splintery, tapered, thorny, tined, tipped, unblunted, whetted
adjective as in stabbing
Strong matches
acuminate, barbed, edged, fine, gnawing, horned, jagged, keen, peaked, piercing, pointed, serrated, sharpened, shooting, spiked, stinging, tapered, tapering, tined, tipped, whetted
Weak matches
aciculate, acuate, acuminous, acute, apical, briery, cuspate, cuspidate, ground fine, keen-edged, knife-edged, knifelike, lancinating, needle-pointed, needlelike, pointy, prickly, pronged, razor-sharp, salient, sharp-edged, spiky, spiny, splintery, thorny, unblunted
Example Sentences
Windey has honed two skill sets that require both smarts and guts.
For one, as a music lover, he honed in on how different the music sounded.
White has honed his vacationers’ personalities to a scientific formula.
When the project began, writer-producer Darwin Shaw says, “It was more a cartel story, but we honed it down into a woman’s story.”
Through the years, Salinas honed his skills at bending back damaged bike frames and building custom five- and six-seater bikes, but his favorite part was the connection he forged with his customers.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.