adjective as in keen
adjective as in knifelike
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- lancinating
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- tipped
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in lancinating
Weak matches
- aciculate
- acuate
- acuminate
- acuminous
- acute
- apical
- barbed
- briery
- cuspate
- cuspidate
- edged
- fine
- gnawing
- ground fine
- honed
- horned
- jagged
- keen
- keen-edged
- knife-edged
- knifelike
- needle-pointed
- needlelike
- peaked
- piercing
- pointed
- pointy
- prickly
- pronged
- salient
- serrated
- sharp-edged
- sharpened
- shooting
- spiked
- spiky
- spiny
- splintery
- stabbing
- stinging
- tapered
- tapering
- thorny
- tined
- tipped
- unblunted
- whetted
adjective as in stabbing
Strong matches
adjective as in trenchant
Weak matches
- acid
- acidulous
- acute
- astringent
- clear
- clear-cut
- crisp
- critical
- crushing
- cutting
- distinct
- driving
- dynamic
- effective
- effectual
- emphatic
- energetic
- explicit
- forceful
- forcible
- graphic
- hurtful
- impressive
- intense
- keen
- piquant
- potent
- powerful
- salty
- sardonic
- sententious
- severe
- sharp
- significant
- strong
- tart
- to the point
- unequivocal
- vigorous
- weighty
- well-defined
Example Sentences
Similarly, The Telegraph called Boarders "razor-sharp" and said it tackles "everything from bigotry to inclusion".
Unlike some artists, there's little need to ask Young what her songs are about - the stories are laid out in her raw and razor-sharp lyrics.
Alright, I’m paraphrasing, but it’s true: A deluge of new franchise installments hitting theaters every year is as sure of a bet as gambling that the grim reaper’s scythe will be razor-sharp.
His power and precision set up Vaclav Cerny's opener, while his own razor-sharp instincts were applied to capitalise on comical Nice defending for the third.
The contrast between Trump’s policy ineptitude and his razor-sharp comedy is remarkable.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.