Commandos Quotes

Quotes tagged as "commandos" Showing 1-12 of 12
Michael G. Kramer
“The Ganeva conference on Indochina agreements stated that the south of Vietnam would be handed over to a provisional administration after two years at the most and that general elections would be held in 1956 at the latest, giving Vietnam a single and united government. (due to American actions, the agreements were never put into place)”
Michael G. Kramer, A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume One

Michael G. Kramer
“As well, I want our special force commandos to silently slip into Cat Bi and Gia Lam airfields and destroy the aircraft stationed there. That will deal the French forces at Dien Bien Phu a stunning blow!” (Giap, 1990)”
Michael G. Kramer, A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume One

Michael G. Kramer
“The Geneva peace accords said that it recognized the nationality and fundamental rights of the Vietnamese people including their sovereignty, their territory and unity. Due to the Geneva Conference allowing the imperialist combined forces of the Franco-USA coalition, on the one hand to hold South Vietnam under the 17th parallel and allowing the National resistance by the People of Vietnam to hold the north on the other, it stopped the Vietnamese from completely liberating their country. (Vein, 2009)”
Michael G. Kramer, A Gracious Enemy & After the War Volume One

“Bravery is never out of fashion”
Lord Lovat

Marcha A. Fox
“Dirck bolted to his feet and peered out the window. It wasn't a storm. It was worse. An armored transport had stopped outside. Seven commandos, maybe more, stepped from its confines, each in shielded yellow armor, hostile in Zinni's searing light.”
Marcha A. Fox, A Dark of Endless Days

Enock Maregesi
“Kofia za chuma au sandarusi zenye uwezo wa kukwepesha risasi za wadunguzi na kuzuia mpaka risasi tatu za AK-47, ijapokuwa zimetengenezwa kuzuia risasi moja tu, ni miongoni mwa vitu 17 vilivyobebwa na makomandoo wa Tume ya Dunia; wakati wakitekeleza Operesheni ya Kifo au Ushindi Kamili (operesheni ndogo ya Operation Devil Cross ya Tume ya Dunia) katika Msitu wa Benson Bennett, Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, nchini Meksiko. Thamani ya vitu vya komandoo mmoja wa EAC ('Executive Action Corps') akiwa vitani ni zaidi ya dola za Kimarekani 65,000; ikiwa ni pamoja na magwanda ya jeshi ('Ghillie Suits'), kofia za chuma, miwani ya kuonea usiku (yenye uwezo wa kubinuka chini na juu), redio na mitambo ya mawasiliano migongoni mwao juu ya vizibao vya kuzuia risasi, vitibegi vya msalaba mwekundu ('Blowout kits' – katika mapaja ya miguu yao ya kulia, ndani yake kukiwa na pisto na madawa ya huduma ya kwanza), vitibegi vya kujiokolea ('Evasion Kits' – katika mapaja ya miguu yao ya kushoto, ndani yake kukiwa na visu na pesa na ramani ya Meksiko) na bunduki za masafa marefu.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“Ghillie ni mavazi yaliyotumiwa na makomandoo wa Tume ya Dunia ya Kudhibiti Madawa ya Kulevya (Frederik Mogens, Radia Hosni, Daniel Yehuda na John Murphy) kama mbinu ya kujificha kwa kujifananisha na rangi au maumbo ya mazingira ya Msitu wa Benson Bennett, kama afanyavyo kinyonga. Hata hivyo, walivyoingia katika jumba la utawala katika maabara za Kolonia Santita ndani ya Msitu wa Benson Bennett katika mji wa Salina Cruz, Vijana wa Tume walivua suti zao za ghillie; kusudi iwe rahisi kwao kupambana na jeshi binafsi la Kolonia Santita, liitwalo 'autodefensa'.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“Vitibegi vya makomandoo wa Tume ya Dunia (vitibegi vya msalaba mwekundu na vitibegi vya kujiokolea) vilikuwa na vifaa maridadi vya kisasa kama vile pisto, visu, madawa ya huduma ya kwanza, kalamu za Inka, ramani za Meksiko, tochi ndogo zenye mwanga mkali za Cyba-Lite, Vioo vya TOPS, vibiriti vya Firesteel, pasi za kusafiria, pesa na vipenga vyenye viwango vya sauti vya desabo 126. Kipenga chenye kiwango cha sauti cha desabo 126 kinaweza kupasua ngoma za masikio ya adui, na kuwajulisha Vijana wa Tume mwenzao alipo hivyo kwenda haraka na kumpa msaada.”
Enock Maregesi

Enock Maregesi
“XM29 OICW ni bunduki iliyowasaidia Vijana wa Tume kubomoa jengo la utawala la Kolonia Santita katika Kiwanda cha Dongyang Pharmaceuticals jijini Mexico City, iliyowasaidia kukamata baadhi ya wakurugenzi wa Kolonia Santita kabla hawajatoroshwa na walinzi wao makomandoo. Bunduki hii inayotumia teknolojia ya OICW ('Objective Individual Combat Weapon') iliyotengenezwa na Kiwanda cha Heckler & Koch cha Ujerumani, ina uwezo wa kufyatua makombora ya HEAB ('High Explosive Air Bursting') yenye ukubwa wa milimeta 20; ambayo hulipuka hewani kabla ya kugonga shabaha, kwa lengo la kusambaza vyuma vya moto katika eneo lote walipojificha maadui. Bunduki hizi hazitumiki tena. Zilitumika mara ya mwisho mwaka 2004.”
Enock Maregesi

Henry V. O'Neil
“That’s it. Keep that edge. Fight like there’s no tomorrow.”
Henry V. O'Neil, Dire Steps

Henry V. O'Neil
“Because Banshees don’t think much of medals!”
Henry V. O'Neil, Dire Steps

Henry V. O'Neil
“This is a Spartacan fighting knife. Heard of the Spartacan Scouts? Rough boys. This knife belonged to one of them. He died saving my life.”
Henry V. O'Neil, CHOP Line: The Sim War: Book Four